Me, wifey and Lulu are going to the local pub tonight, which me and wifey did two weeks ago alone. That was the first time I was at the pub (which is called Pub no. 13), and mostly there were just students that go to a college at the island who were there.
My friends and I go to school on the mainland -Husnes- but on my Island (Halsnøy) there are three primary schools (year 1-7) and one secondary school (year 8-10). After that norwegian teens go to what we call Videregående, which is year 11-13. :P I suppose this is a lesson in Norwegian school systems ;) anyways. After year 13, we can either go to a university, or to what we call Folkehøgskule, which is a school you can go to for one year, and it's expensive. You don't get grades at that school, but you get studypoints, and you choose one subject to focus on. Like music, dancing, art, drama etc. It's a more alternative school, where you also live at the school. We have one of those on the island, and there are students from all over Norway attending there. People from my island never go to that school, because the point of those schools are to live somewhere new, which means it would be pointless for us to go to one that was located so near home :P wow, hope you got all that Kini ;) haha.
Back on track: we're going to the pub tonight again, and I think it'll be fun! :) last time we sat in the pub for hours just the two of us, and nothing happened. Then I dragged wifey to the dancefloor (drunk enough not to care who saw), and that's when the fun started. It's amazing how people will come up to you and talk to you even though they don't know you, just because you're dancing. They wouldn't come talk when we were sitting down, but once we got on the dancefloor, it was so easy! :O :D I guess it's because once we're on the dancefloor it kinda shows that we're out there, and it's not as easy going up to someone who's sitting down, coz it might seem we want to be alone :P
We got to know a few people from said school, and when the pub was closing around one thirty, we went to the "afterpary" (nachs -from German nachspiel :P) at this guy's house, who used to be in my class from year 8-10. We got a taxi home around four thirty :P It was such a good night, and so I hope today will be just as fun. I love staying out really late, and I'm always the last who wants to go :P which gets annoying, but whatev.

Watch this video:, because to me, that's EXACTLY the way a good party should be ;) and the song's addictive ^^ haha.
Also, the song "Telephone" by Lady Gaga and Beyonce. It's good :)
~Leene~ "When I leave for the night, I ain't coming back." kesha :P xoxx