tirsdag 10. august 2010

Coz it's all about letting go

I'm sitting here, with curlers in my hair, and I've just gotten home from England. Me and a friend left for Manchester last Tuesday, and today we flew back home. I can't believe how much money I've managed to spend in one mere week! It's incredible, really. All the books, and new dvd's I've bought... aah. And now I'm back home, and I'm completely relaxed, and am looking forward to just being for some time.

I'm wondering what I should do now, as I feel its been a while since I was alone, just spending time doing what I always do. I've bought season two of Buffy (the Spike-and-Dru season <3), and also season one of Bewitched, which I've only seen one episode of... I also bought Dorian Gray :P I couldn't help myself. So I've got quite a few choices, but I'm undecided. Wah! I wish Kini could come, and we could have a movie marathon ^^ we've never had one, but it's sure to be nice.

Anyway, I have this bad habbit of sometimes buying books just because I like the cover. Or even the title. This time, I've ended up buying two books I'd never even heard of, just because I happen to fall for the picture on the front. I should know better, but I don't mind spending money, so I won't care atm ^^ :P I also bought Dracula, which I thought should be an essential read at this point ^^

So, here's one of the books I "fell" for. I just liked his orange eyes, so unusual! I actually love books with eyes on the cover... it's pathetic, but today, after we'd landed in Norway, I was about to do it again! Buy a book because of the cover I mean... because I've been wanting it for some time (coz of the cover), but its not my kind of book at all, so I've managed to control myself. But the time will surely come... -_-

Anywhoo, enough about my silly ways. I've been thinking of chopping off all my hair again ^^ it was a random thought I had today, but I might do it... I want it to be short, but I don't know about the colour. I suddenly missed my black bob, but I've been trying to get it blond for some time, and abandoning that mission seems a bit sad. I also had a dream that it was a warm, dark brown colour, with blond highlights all over, in a bob... so I might want to just do that instead. What should I do??

Well, it's time for me to make a decision. ^^ I'll leave you with one more book that I bought because of the title and cover. ^^

I still love you, though.

~Leene~ xoxx