Sooo, on instructions from wifey I am back on my blog... :P I keep neglecting it, but meh. I try to live sometimes... and then I fail, and it takes time ^^ :P lol.
News: my grandmother bought me a sewing machine... :O it's one of the nicest things I've gotten, and it's so much fun learning how to do it :) we're gonna go wild with creativity now ;) lol. Starting on small handbags and make-up bags, and moving onto baby-doll dresses and tops etc ^^ My grandmother is AMAZING when it comes to making things! She learnt to sew when she was around 7! In school! I can safely say we never learnt anything so cool, or so USEFUL when I went to kiddie-school... -_- what has the world come to? Anyway, she's teaching me as we go, and it's looking good ^^
We went to buy fabics today, so it's all happening now ^^ ... I also bought *shame* three books... but to be fair; I only had to pay for two of them! It wasn't a relapse into shopaholism! I swear... I have a whole shelf of my bookshelf filled with vampire fiction now... I'm thinking; I'm such a fangirl :P But I've always liked the supernatural, what can I say?
Speaking of Supernatural, that is infact what I am watching atm. ^^ Got home from our "shopping-spree" and started watching season 2 again :) ah, the wonders that is Complete DVD seasons <3
On a totally unrelated note... it is 22 days til my birthday. I sometimes forget how old I'm turning, coz 19 seems such an irrelevant age. You're not turning legal, you're not turning the big 20, so really... it just ages you by a year :P Whooo.
I kind of agree with Kyle (XY) when it comes to birthdays: what is the point? We're celebrating having survived another year? It's almost... morbid. But alas, a day where I get to eat cake and other sweets, and get pressies and attention... I guess it's not so bad. If you see past the reason for said cakes and gifts ^^ :P
I've recently gone back to listening to various of the bands I used to be
obsessed with when I was younger (like, 16-17-ish), and I've just "discovered" (or started listening to, more like) Cobra Starship's album "Hot Mess", and I am addicted. It happens to be one of the things I want for my "
big" 19 ;) lol. Plus a whole lot of other things, because; what can I say? I am a material girl ^^
I don't know what else to say on these matters... so I guess I'll just say goodbye ;)
What can I say? I still love you ;)
~Leene~ "There's no me without you". xoxx