Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum scare the shit out of me.
Today I overslept (for the -what now- 1000th time this year?), and didn't get to school until 3rd period, which meant I missed maths... :] then for the remainder of the day, I quizzed on facebook. "What type of vampire are you?" "What colour is your blood?" "How evil can you be?" "What mythical creature are you?" "Who were you in a past life?" "Who is your celebrity twin?" "Are you hungry?" ... ok, I made up the last one, but seriously!! I think this shows a bit of HOW INCREDIBLY POINTLESS school really is... and I know people might say I'd learn something if I paid attention in class, but it's just SO BORING! We just continue doing what we always do, and then in Norwegian class we learn about poems. Baaah. I would've gotten more out of just staying in bed and reading a good book. Books = knowledge. School = not. I could probably teach myself better than they can.
Ok, but enough complain-ranting now :P I'm sure tomorrow will be just the same, of course.
My friend came over after school, so at least that was fun. Though we always stuff ourselves with goodies, and now I feel sick :S typical.
I'm gonna go watch some old Sex and the City episodes now, and probably eat some cereal or maybe ice-cream. Who knows; I've just completely fallen off my diet. It went like two or three weeks? New record at least. *chants* "Must drink water". Good luck to me. ^^
Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Agreed to have a battle;
For Tweedledum said Tweedledee
Had spoiled his nice new rattle.
Just then flew down a monstrous crow,
As black as a tar-barrel;
Which frightened both the heroes so,
They quite forgot their quarrel.
Ok, so I quite like that nursery rhyme ^^
(Picture of the sad clown girl I love <3)
~Mimi~ "... because of the wonderful things he does!" xoxx