Wow, I just discovered that it is fully possible to have two blogs under one account... how awesome is that? :P *easily awed*
Anyways, right now I've started reading Alice in wonderland, which is seriously a book on crack XD loves it. I always love Alice, and I actually buy anything with that name in it... (I have three random different books about different Alices... it's a weird obsession) ^^. But it's an easy way to get me gifts, since people can just entertain my latest obsessions XD :P
On another note, I totally made waffles for my family the other day... it was good. At last I found something (besides salad and nachos) that I can make! :D *is proud* I'm seriously handicapped in the kitchen though, as just today I was making chips for dinner, and... they just didn't taste right o_O luckily they were only for me, but still... I don't think I had them in the oven long enough XD hahah. I fail.
I really wish I had "The Wizard of Oz" movie, coz for some reason I feel like watching it lately... or the real life "Alice"'s... :]
Tomorrow will be a boring day... I keep thinking "it's been a while since last time I was home sick... it's about time." I'm like that, I like to take days off... XD I pretty much decide when I need a break. Yeah, not very good work ethics, but oh well. Maybe I've watched too much Simple Life...
Ah geez, I have to go do some homeworking now, really far behind o_O ... knowing me though, I'll end up reading "The truth about diamonds" instead. Hahah, it's so much more interesting.
Anyway, I've overused the word "cute" so bad (used and abused, baby), I think "Cute is what we aim for" because I stole it... XD if anyone followed that.
Well, Oyasumi chickens. Tomorrow I'm getting a Gaga poster from my friend. Is love. :P
"One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all."
Cherry cherry, boom boom!
(Pictures of me with the waffler in the background, and capturing Tinkerbelle... :P coz I'm random like that, when I'm bored and making waffles alone in the kitchen. *starts singing "you make me wanna lalala in the kitchen on the floor*... o_O yeah, is easily sidetracked too...) <33
~Mimi "I'm so starstruck, baby could you blow my heart up?" xoxx
lol oyasumi mimi! ^^
SvarSletti love what u did with the alice and wonderlad - lady gaga mix ^^
waffles are so yummy lol, no idea how to make them tho. i just get the ready made ones from birds eye and then warm them up :S how bad is that? lol
AAAAAAaa, you look even more pwettyfuls than when i last saw u *if that is possible*
lol i'm glad u got a blog in english ^^
now i can harass u too :P
*evil laf* lol
I miss u so much *clings*
u can bet that i shall humour your alice in wonderland obcession ^^
by the way, have you ever watched the second wizard of oz called return to oz? there is also a cartoon called the lion of oz too, just incase u wanted something else to watch related to the wizard of oz:)
mimi <3