Watching "I know what you did last summer" when you're home alone is... not a good idea ^^ Even if it's the middle of the day. I assume people would have quite a laugh seeing me while I watched it; clutching the duvet to my face, turning away from the screen, screaming before anything has even happened, shouting to the main characters to "get the fuck away" from wherever it was they were headed, where I knew the fisherman would be -_- I loved the movie. Everyone in it is so cute, and at the beginning of the film, where the fisherman wakes up again and grabs Helen's hair and crown, and they push him into the sea, and Helen screams "My crown! He's got my crown!" <3 and Barry jumping in after it <3 aww. Ryan Phillippe, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prince jr. and Jennifer Love Hewitt are all so adorable, specially when they were younger! :D
Have you seen this movie? Am I the only one wimpy enough to be scared while watching it? :P Haha.

I love you, though.
~Leene~ "She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene." xoxx
sounds like a good film! :) me always wanted to see it! (haven't seen it yet)
SvarSlett*HUGS* awwwh, dw...i'll protect you ^_^ *pats* when i see it we can both sit there screaming together lol :D
O_O sarah looks good as a beauty queen!
love u!!!!
btw...what DID they do last summer? lol :)
It was a good film! :P I always wanted to see it too, and now I just did! xD
SvarSlett*HUGS* I'm glad! looking forward 2 seeing it with u already :P tho I'm not very good at watching scary movies, mind.
I agree, she's gorgeous! <3
love you too huni! <3
;) manslaughter, turned murder, turned "did he really die, or is he after us for revenge???" :P I can tell u if u wanna know, but it might spoil the fun :P