So, I saw the Avatar movie yesterday... it was much better than I expected. It doesn't look like a good movie, but it is. :) so that was a nice surprise, lol.
Lately I've been getting back in the "anime game" as I'd call it, and I've started checking out new stuff again. I saw Zombie Loan in a day, but there was nothing more than what I'd already read in the manga's... :/ depressing. I wanted to see what would happen. I really need to order some manga's online asap, or I'll fall behind! :P My current list of manga's to buy has got at least 20 books on it, so I have to start soon before it increases! :O :P
I also saw Special A, I got SO hooked I had to see it all. I love rich anime characters who go to top schools and have a lot of family drama due to their status. Marriage interviews. Japan has no boundaries when it comes to what they write about, it's too good! :) :P all the characters in S.A are too good, I love them all <3
I'm starting to miss London more and more again, as it is, every few months I get this pull, a need to go London. :( I wish I could ditch everything and get lost in Waterstones with a cup of Starbucks frapp, and all the newest books I'm into. This depresses me. Take me away today.
Random: I want to be a ninja :P I wish I had a goal in life, a proper one like in animes, not like "I want to be a doctor". That's not what I mean about goal. Goal = "I want to save the world (or a specific group of people)" OR "I want to take over the world". ^.^ those are the two goals I value :P I don't even mind people who want to take over, they amuse me. To be so conceited and ambitious at the same time... how can that not fascinate me? :P So yeah, I wish I had more ambitions, and more ways to get to where I dream of going. Dreams = pointless. ^.^ I suppose life is just getting by until the end. There isn't a meaning anymore, I think we evolved away from that... lol. :P I want a big secret. Something only I know.
Meeeh, sorry for weird topics today. I'm tired, and a little sick of it. When i get home (in an hour) I can't relax like I want to, because I have to do stupid geography. I don't even care. -_-
I wish I could watch "Castle" and relax, with orange juice, chocolate covered strawberries, and hot cocoa with cream, and fries. Disgusting combo, but that's what I'm into these days. :P
Love of the day: my bed. Sleep. No thoughts. Blank minds. Massages. Relaxation.
^.^ but I still love you, though.
~Leene~ "If you're missing I will run away." xoxx
torsdag 11. mars 2010
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i haven't seen it yet :) lol. i'm glad it was good tho - i'll def go and see it eventually :)
SvarSlettupload some of your manga list :D i'm curious :)
lol that means you found many many possible husbands we'll have to kidnap in japan, eh? ;) :D
i'd love to come and take you away. i miss u more and more everyday :( *HUGS* but london and i will always have a special place - just for you.
lol i have a big secret to tell you soon and only you will know...i'm not sure how long i'll be able to keep it a secret for once i've said it but mum and dad say i'm not allowed to tell yet which is really bugging me ¬_¬. lol u'd make one hell of a cute ninja! :D yayyy LEENE SHALL TAKE OVER THE WORLD - all hail queen of kawaii-ness, master LEENE!!!!
awh *HUGS* i like "weird" your "weird" is a priviledge to experience :D. awh *HUGS* good luck. i hope you get to relax soon! is it really long?
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM that sounds lovely! if the black berries in the garden are still alive whenever i see you next we can have some of them with creame / chocolate, that's nice ^^ apparently there's an apple tree there too but i don't go that far in the garden no more coz of the foxes. in fact, since the building work i don't actually go in there...O_o how weird :P
lol such a wonderful love :)
*HUGS* love u always!
You def should :D :P
SvarSletthaha, I'll facebook you it ;)
Well... no, I don't really know that many :P I have more on the korean list I think... lol. You must help me! :P and besides, it's THEM who'll be doing the kidnapping of US ;)
:( I'd love you to do it too. Lol, but I'm looking forward to coming visiting again. Next time let's have a sleepover and spend even MORE time together :D :P
Well, now I'm supercurious! :P :)
And thanx, I'd love to be a ninja! With superNINJAskills, and awesomeNINJAclothes and... skills.. :P hahahha. xD when I take over the world, I want u to help me :) and be beside me :) *HUGS*
:P thanx, I like OUR weird ;)
I'll be done with geography soon enough, I just really have to work hard for a while. I ended up sleeping and not doing it last week, coz I was too down :P :/
Yayyy, I can't wait :D and we'll find the apple tree ;) and if there are foxes there too... bring 'em ;) love foxes :P so cuteeee.
:D it's still showing in the cinema too...must be really good for it to be in the cinema this late! :P
SvarSlettoooooooooooooooooooooooodallally, how exciting!!!! :D
*evil smile* indeed...i shall update your husband list...IMMEDIATELY! *ooooo, so exciting!!!* haha i wonder...what ever shall we do? *fake concern at being kidnapped* ;) :P hahahaha
i'd love to :) hopefully you could come and stay at my house??? it better be done by then :P
lol :D i'll tell u soon...promise :)
lol - ninja leene- whooo!!! haha we'll be like pinky and the brain :D well duuuuuuuuh, i'd lyk be impossible to lyk keep awaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaay ;) *HUGS* :)
:D there's no other weird that comes close to OUR weird lol :) it's the bestiest ^^
:o awh *HUGS* i wanna talk about what was bothering u??? well, good luck with work. i hope u get it all done soon and then have time to play :)
:D me too...there was one on the extension roof the other day. i thought it was dead! so i called mum and i opened the bathroom window (bad idea) i can actually jump into the house from there. mum started calling it and it got angry at her but when i called it it licked it's face and got up. scary..."cats" seem to like following me when i call *hides behind you* i pwomise i won't be trying out that power again for a while (lol)
*bear hugs* wanna bet! i believe you'll find that I love U MOST so :P
Hehehe, I guess it's not called kidnapping if we go willingly... so let's pretend to put up a fight, neh? ;) we must be proper(good) hostages after all ^.^ can't disappoint our new hubbies. :)
SvarSlettI'm sure I could for some days, yea :)
:D I'm glad! We'll rule the ninja-underworld together! Heehee. ^^
Aah, it wasn't anything specific, don't worry ^.^ some days just aren't that good, you know? I kind of get paralyzed sometimes, and it's better just to keep a low profile then. It's safer ^^
Fox-power for the win ;) lol. U have the power within you ;) "May the force be with you". xD (omg, now I feel like a star wars fan-freak! ho ho ho ho ho. mwahaha. xD and now I'm just a freak.)
*something that's bigger than a bear HUG* xD (dinosaur somehow seemed a bit... uncomfortable.) LOVE YOU MORE ;)