tirsdag 4. mai 2010

A boombox can change the world

Whooo! I'm back! :P I haven't really been gone, it's just sometimes I don't find the inspiration to write anything about myself... but when people tell me to, well... that's inspirational xD lol.

I guess alot of things have changed lately, but somehow it's not really that I change hobbies, so much as add on to what I already like. Sooo... footballers :P they're the new thing, lol. I find it weird and cool how I can think I totally don't care about football, but if I sit down in front of the telly and watch a game, I get totally into it, and every time someone has the ball close to the goal, I'm going "GO GO GO GO, YOU CAN DO IT, COME OOOONNNNNNN!" :P as if I'm a fan. It's amazing how fast you get into it, man. Maybe it runs in the blood, neh? Both my dad and my mum played football back in their day, and dad still watches it religiously. :P Maybe I'm just following the legacy. HAHAHA, not. Maybe I'm just following the hotness, is more like it ;) anywhooo.

I'm on season 5 of House, and House and Wilson have just become friends again, which I like. Also, the P.I Lucas is in it now, and I luuurrve him :P so cute.

What else have I been doing these days... hummm... I've been listening to BOOMBOX (by the Lonely Island ft. Julian Casablancas) which is an insane song :P

And in Norway we have this tradition, since we go to our last school for three years, and when you're in your last year of this school (which I am, and it's equivalent to being in A2) you have two weeks of basically just partying and doing crazy shit. It's called Russ, which I guess you can google :P depending on which subjects you major in, you wear spesific clothes according to subject. My school has red clothes, and basically you order online, and get trousers and hats that are either red, blue, black or green (etc.) I'm red, as are everyone in my school. Then we can do different pranks or random stuff, and get to tie things in our hats and people write on each others' trousers. (Btw, I just googled it, and there's a wikipedia page on it, so nevermind my lousy explanation! :P)
Anyways, we're going to another city in Norway this weekend, to party! All the Russ do it (all who want I mean), and all of us get together, and there's concerts and fun stuff :) There'll be drinking from friday til sunday, lol. Hopefully everything will be alright, tho ;) So for the next two weeks I get to not worry about what clothes to wear for school, because we all just wear our red trousers anyway :) chill.
Anyway, we have a song that we call "Russe-song" and it's Italobrothers with "Stamp on the ground". Check it out, coz it's so addictive :P

Sorry, that was totally boring. I'm slightly stressing, because I've got so much on my plate in the coming weeks, with exams and parties and grades and WAHHH. :P

I'm gonna go now, end this boringness :P We have to get up eeeearly on Friday to drive to Kongeparken, which is where our weekend partying is taking place, so I prolly won't blog in another while :P

I still love you, though! <3

~Leene~ "let me think about it..." xoxx

1 kommentar:

  1. ello deary :D *HUGS*

    lol :D i get that with football sometimes. mostly it's whatever side is loosing i want them to win :P heh heh. do you play football? kicking a ball around is fun but i have NO idea about the rules :S

    :D YAYYYYYyyyyy HOUSE ^ ^ <3<3<3

    OOOOOOOOOO! have fun on your Russ escapades :D that sounds so exciting! try not to get too drunk, seeing such a pretty lady, i'm sure all the guys will be trying to buy you drinks :)

    don't worry about it all, relax. i'm sure you'll do great :D good luck! it's getting pretty stressy over here too - we leave for study leave on the 19th and now everyone's realising we don't have enough time to do all the work we should've already done (LOLZ) but meh :P

    it's not boring. i WOVE hearing about what's going on in your life :D. have funnnnnnnn!!! good luck ^^

    love u much much

