On to new topics; I'm in love with my shower. It makes me feel warm, and happy, and content, and I luuuuurrrrveeee it :D baby love! <33 (and yes, the hotness of it does go to my head, and I'm cuh-razy and acting like a lovestruck teenager about it... but whose to judge me? ^^)
It makes me think I would like to start updating my blog at least once a day, just to tell the world what I fell in love with that day. Since we all know it's gonna be something or the other. But I just know I won't commit to it (like nothing else in this world), so I won't make any false promises. It's a nice thought though, as I have so many of. (and if you've noticed I've gone more italics crazy these past blog-days, its simply because I've just resently figured out how to work the italics-mojo. Yes, I'm pathetic, and weird. Get over it :P Italics, however, are another thing I love, and it should always be written in italics ^^ hi hi)
Right now I want to tell myself: "don't ever put glitter-nailpolish on your nails again, stupid girl, I don't care if you're drunk." It's hell to get off, truuust me. -_- But tonight I'm going for the more mature look... of purple ^_~ :P
Anyways, let me tell you about tomorrow. Dreadful tomorrow. I do not want tomorrow. Why? Because of face-mask... stupid face-mask. See, our teachers got it in their heads that everybody should put white plaster all over their faces, only making holes to breathe through, then keep that on for god-knows-how-long, before removing it. Now, this was done on wednesday, you know, the day I decided to stay home. Naturally this made me think "yay! I don't have to do it! :D" but ooh, nooo, was I wrong. Because my teacher told me today that I have to do it tomorrow. Well, let me tell you something; I AM NOT DOING IT! I am terrified, can't you tell?? And yeah, I'm probably being childish and my stubborn self for refusing this, but I don't care. I have done it before, and I feel abso-fucking-lutely no need to do it again. See, it was in year 7 that our teachers also found it a good idea to make face-masks, but at that time I was a 12 year old child, and couldn't say no (no matter how scared SHITLESS I was). They told us stories of how we couldn't move while wearing said mask, and that there could well be possibilities that it wouldn't come off easily (causing pain to our FACES), and also I lost like half my eyelashes when I got it off! -_- and you lot wonder whyy I have such strong oppositions to doing it... -_- pssh. Anyway, all I can remember is feeling so, so scared, and thinking "this will be the only time in my life I'll have to do this, so I'll survive it this once and be done with it", and that's what kept me sane back then. And now they tell me I have to do it AGAIN? NOOOOOOO!!!! (I know I'm making this a big deal, but to me it is, ok? So just let me be, and don't try to give me a fucking anxiety attack!) :P
So I don't care if the teacher thinks he can make my friends "persuade" me into doing it (yes, he actually asked, or told, them to persuade me... o_o stupid mutt), because I don't see why it should be obligatory to make me so scared just for an assignment/grades. It's not right. Things like that should be optional, for the brave. I am not ashamed of being a coward when it comes to keeping my sanity (AND EYELASHES) intact, sumimasen.
And if he indeed manages to threaten me into doing it (or scare me some more), then I promise to hate him for the rest of my stay in school. No excuses, no forgivness.
Wah, I'm sick of rambling on about this now, but it's not nearly out of my system. Fucking shiitttt. -_- I need my moonikins-fixxxx, my sweet panic-boys, my darling-Dorian, anythingggg.
P.S. Coke-caps are another thing I'm in love with, as I've been in love with Coke and Pepsi my whole life ^^
Listening to Follow Through by Gavin Degraw, as it seems to calm me somewhat. Damn stupid lovesongs. I thought I was over that (not that I ever really started). Why should promises of love make me feel better?
~Leene~ "Am I too obvious to preach it?" xoxx
OW! that looks very...PAINFUL :S *pats* poor leene. i like the wood tho, it looks cool :). lol but if i was there the fact u laughed would make me laugh too so ur not mental :)
SvarSlettawh, why? i know it's a hell of a pain to get off but glittery nailpolish is goooooooooooooood, it's sparkly! u gotta love the shiny ^^. it's a pain to be pretty, but someone's gotta do it ;)
*hi 5* coke and pepsi are love, ne? :) lol my dentist would KILL me for saying that bt he's not here to hear me say it so looooooooool!
i get what u mean about face masks. they're horrible. our class refused point blank. all of us got in trouble but meh. there was a girl who lost almost all of her fingers coz she did something like that. it's good u didn't do it - for your eyelashes' sake atleast :). *HUGS* ^^ yayyyyyyyyyy! but that clay stuff or plaster or whatever it is is seriously evil. it should be banned so teachers can't have anymore stupid ideas involving it lol :P
itallics need more love in this world lol *love love*
i hope that it's all out of ur system now that u don't gotta do it tho if it isn't u can yell as much as u want - i'm listening :D
have a lovely rest of the day my pet *pat pat*
PS those pics of u are really kawaii! ^^
SvarSlett*love to the pics of u + cola cap* ^^