Since I woke up early, I feel like I've already had quite a constructive day. Though I haven't eaten yet... been too busy reading Dorian :] I have some more quotes for y'all :P
Henry: "How often do you see him?"
Basil: "Every day. I couldn't be happy if I didn't see him every day. He is absolutely necessary to me." (he is absolutely necessary to me too ;) haha.)
"I asked the question for the best reason possible, for the only reason, indeed, that excuses one for asking any question - simply curiosity."
"The only things one never regrets are one's mistakes."
"And though I am a little jealous of the picture for being a whole month younger than I am, I must admit that I delight in it." (:P Dorian being Dorian again.)
"I know, now, that when one loses one's good looks, whatever they may be, one loses everything. Youth is the only thing worth having. When I find that I am growing old, I shall kill myself." (three guesses which vain person said this... :P indeed, it was my love. Haha, and it's what makes me love him.)
"I know what pleasure is. It is to adore some one." :] I have felt pleasure then. Lol.
Anyway, I must go now; time to get ready for the day :P (pictures of me and my friends in school last week :P)
~Leene~ "And I hope it rains." xoxx
lol i bet he is :P ;)
SvarSlett...haha, it's not too hard to guess just who is that vein :P
awh, who is this pleasure directed towards...need i ask? lol :D
hope u have fun finishing off the book and go and eat! dorian can wait, don't want to be spoiling him too much now do u? :D
u look lovely as always in those pics :D that diamond jumper is mucho mucho cool-io ^^
speak soon ^^
He is ;) hahah.
SvarSlettI know. It's me ;)
heheh, there are so many I'm sure whoever u said would be one of the many right answers ;)
heheh, I always have fun with Dorian ;) and if he keeps me from eating constantly, then GOOOO Dorian :D :P
Hehe, thanx. It's my summer-jumper, can u believe it :P well, last year's one anyway, ahah.
indeed :)
lol :P
SvarSlettpfff, i meant dorian! :D
lol should i b exposing such secrets on the internet? ;) :P ha ha lol
lol ur too skinny to eat constantly! *pats* how goes it with u an Dorian? ^^
oo, summer must love u for makin it look so perty ^^. it really does suit u!
lol we certainly shall:D
have a lovely day ^^
Haha, I'm sure u did ;)
SvarSlettEhh.. :P maybe not. The list is too long, it would just seem wrong... ;) :P
Haha, but I do! But thanx... I eat alot because I eat when I'm bored... apparently that's often :P
And me and Dorian are taking a break ^^ ;) but only until I can mind time for him again, mind.
Thankyoooou :)