Ok, so I suppose I should let it be known that I stayed in bed all day today... buuut, as karma would have it, I ate a bad slice of bread and got a bit nauseaus around ten-ish! :P So I told my teacher I was sick... because for a moment there, I was (a) 0:)
"Accidents can happen to anyone; but so can scandals, and they're much more fabulous!"
I haven't been reading Dorian lately, it seems we took a break from our relationship. He's busy with Sybil, and I'm busy with Dylan. With Logan. With Draco, Harry, Remus and Sirius.
I'm pretty sure loving everyone fully is better than loving noone at all. I'm sure a broken heart is better than no heart at all. [Geez, I'm feeling deep all of a sudden... -_-] I'd rather wear my heart on my sleeve, than to not be sure if it's even in there. If I like someone, I have to tell them. If there's even a small possibility that anything might happen, I need to be open about it. I have a responsibility to be honest, and then people are free to do what they want with it. They can throw it back in my face, or let it turn into something breathtaking. They can make me momentarily weak, or give us both a reason to live.
I used to think letting people know you like them was the most embarrassing thing in the world, because what if -horror- they don't like me back? How utterly embarrassing! But now I think "what the hell?" I'm not going to be embarrassed because I love. Love should be a proud thing. I'm proud that I can finally admit to loving things, and people, and places.
"People keep telling me that I fall in love too easily- that I should protect my heart, that I shouldn’t wear my heart on my sleeve… I fall in love at least 20 times a day. I fall in love with the sky and the sun and the flowers and the children. I fall in love with smiles, with music on the radio and with french fries and Dr. Pepper. I fall in love with the sound of laughter, blue jeans, accents… Sometimes I fall in love with complete strangers, especially the ones holding hands and kissing in public. The ones who aren’t afraid to be in love with the idea of being in love either. I don’t mind the pain of unrequited love so much, because I think they’re wrong. Love looks good on me."

Well, this has been an awfully cheerful post... so I'll go do some angsty teenage stuff now to make up for it =^_^=
See ya later, baby love! <3
~Leene~ "You happen to take me by complete and utter surprise." xoxx
wow, u r deep today :). but that is a very good way to be ^^ i admire u for being able to tell someone you like them :) is there anyone ur talking about in particular?:D
SvarSlettlol haha! angsty teenager stuff eh? what happened to all the love spreading? :) but i do like the quote about scandals being fabulous :) they are indeed fun sometimes, huh? lol. but about falling in love with something in one way or another, that's really deep. i guess it's true for most people. like right now i'm in love with apple scented air freshner ;) lol but i guess those little obcessions make up some kind of love...??
have a nice day my sweet ^^
:P I know, free-kay ;) haha, thanks, I haven't reeeaally done it yet, but I imagine I could ^^ no, I know I could. :] and no, noone anymore :P I did, but I had to get over that, and I guess it's what's made me really think about love and stuff. :P
SvarSlettHahaha, too much love isn't good for teenagers... we feed on angst, didn't you know? ;) hahaha.
Yes, fabulous! :) I love quotes, haha, so fun.
Yeah, I think so... I mean, I can relate. I do fall for lots of things, but I never thought of it as love because love is supposed to be this magical "thing"/feeling between two destined people, but really, love is so much more than that. And I see that now :] (gods, this "deep"-ness I've got going is really catching on... waah).
Haha, I'm glad ;) I think it's healthy to be in love, no matter if it's just in apple scented air freshner ;)
Obsessions are an intense form of unrequited love I think... :P
you too darling! :)