"You have a problem with Veronica, you leave. Actually, you have a problem with Veronica, you're pretty much dead to me, so just, like, evaporate or something, I don't know. That's kind of a general invitation. If you don't like my girlfriend, then... just start heading towards the rectangle with the knob."
Ok, so yeah, I'm a litte in love with Logan Echolls too :P Watching Veronica Mars is making me feel really nostalgic, and I keep thinking about the past, and where I've been. It's so weird that I'm the same person as I've always been, but at the same time, I'm not... if you know what I mean :P I change, just like everything else in the world, and it's too weird for me to think about. ^^ oh, well. I like that I can watch old shows and have the same feelings as I had the first time I saw them. Like a rerun of my feelings. I can just put on VMars, and I'm there again.
Also, I've decided that I want my last name to be Casablancas xD I wouldn't mind being married to Dick Casablancas (from Veronica Mars :P), and he has the finest surname in the world ^_^ I'm in love with his name, dude. What is up with that? :P

Aaand, I found the guy of my dreams (I know what you're thinking; "another one?" :P), but this is the original guy I liked since I was too young to like people like that. Geez, it's so weird, but I've always remembered him, and I can't believe little seven year old me liked someone who was near forty... o_O -_- I'm sickk. Anyway, he isn't a real person, he's a character on a soap show I used to secretly watch when I was little, so... :P what else? lol.
Bad Romance (Lady Gaga) and Russian Roulette (Rihanna) are the two most played songs of the week, so check them out ^_^
Now it's time for me to fold some clothes, make a quick powerpoint on Buddhism, and then try to be in bed by one am. Can she do it? Probably not, but isn't the suspense just killing you? ^^ ;)
(The pictures of Veronica and Logan at the 80's dance are just so cool, I think, and Logan's "costume" is really the best ever :P And V looks so cute all black and gothy :])
~Leene~ "Thoughts of me? Hey, I get it. Sometimes I'm up all night, just thinkin' about myself." 0:) xoxx