So now I want to learn Japanese, Korean and Welsh. Three difficult languages to learn, I'm sure.

Anyway, I guess I'm very into fairytales lately, and watching Disney movies etc... I don't know why, but for now that's how it is.
Well, I'm in school now, so I should go eat or something... it's half an hour left of my lunch period, and then we have P.E... :S it's safe to say I look forward to going home in three hours. Ciao ^^
I love you, though.
~Leene~ "You can probably read my pokerface... but it's not like it matters anyway ^^" xoxx
that's such a cool film!!!! *EEEEEE OBCESSION PARTY!!!* ^______________________^
SvarSlettis it welsh? hm, i had no idea lol.
welsh is interesting! u should learn :D then we can go looking around all those castles to find the black cauldron lol :D
are there many people who speek welsh that you know? :) i hope you get to learn korean, japanese and welsh *pats* yur a very clever child *plans to steal ur brain* and would make a very pretty princess ilone (if that's how u sp her name)
gur-gee (sp?) is my fav character! he really does remind me of a cute gollom :P
i'm watching a lot of disney right now too :D what's been ur fav film to watch so far? soz, it's the black cauldron isn't it? haha, my habbit of asking silly questions is back! :P
lol :D hope p.e wasn't too painful!
love u much much
~kiNi~ i might be able to read your pokerface, but i won't attempt it without permission :) ^_^
*JOINS OBSESSION PARTY* I KNOW! I love that movie! :D
SvarSlettI didn't know either, and besides, when I used to watch it when I was younger I wouldn't have known what welsh was anyway, so... when I found out I was like: ":O waaaaaahhhhh, coooolll!!!" :P hihi.
OOooh, oooh, ooooh, me want to find the Black Cauldron! <3 :D *excited*
Well, Julie's from Wales, and I've met some of her family, but other than them, I don't know more Welsh ppl... :P But it does sound so cute and special tho :)
Awww, thank you honey, I hope so too :) tho I'm really not clever enough... if I was, wouldn't I get straight A's all the time? ... hmm... or maybe that means I have to also care?... *ponders situation* :P hehe, probably.
*wouldn't mind if u stole my brain* it's not like it does me any use anyway ;) tbh it drives me a little nuts.
I want to be Princess Eilonwy! :D (that's how u spell it ;) hihi. not that I googled... again... repeatedly... :P not at all.)
GURGI! :D I love him, So cute and hugable! <33 :D
Disney movies bring me right back to my childhood, and it feels so good to be back there... so relaxed and safe... *puppy eyes* and it totally not a silly question. Actually my fav disney movie is "Quest for Camelot" :P but BACK Cauldron is nr 2, and I've also been watching Beauty and the Beast a lot recently :P I love the Beast <3 Also, Aladdin's always been my fav prince ;) hihi.
What're ur fav's? :)
well, it was... so I left after five minutes... :S o_O I'm so bad!! *punishes myself* at this rate I won't have a future! waaaaahhhH!!! -_-
love you most ;)
~Leene~ "ur allowed to read my pokerface, but only coz it's u ;)" ^_^