Is it weird if I say that I want a conspiracy? ... Watching Roswell makes me think; I wish someone had a secret, a big one. And I wish I knew about that secret. I wish my life depended on wheter or not I could keep said secret. -_- ok, I know I've officially crossed the line from moderately lucid, to completely mental. Sometimes I wish I was crazy, just so that I could see really exciting things, that weren't really there... but obviously that would also have it's downsides, so I guess I'm ok. Still. Would it be too bad to want to go to bed because it's an escape from thinking of your conspiracy filled, dangerous life, as opposed to going to bed because you simply have nothing better to do, and know you need the sleep? Wah, I don't know ^^ :P I'm sure if it really
was my life, I wouldn't want it to be so complicated... but you never want what you have anyway, so why not just want it all?

I need to pack a small bag now, since I'm going on my weekly sleepover at my dad's tomorrow. It's so much easier now that I can just stay at his place from wednesday til thursday every week. I guess I'm trying to make up for 18 years.
(top two pics are from the norwegian Christmas tradition movie: three gifts for Cinderella. I think the girl playing Cinderella is really pretty :])
See yah! :)
~Leene~ "I am what I am." xoxx
oo cinderella is cute ^^
SvarSlettlol it's not weird at all. it sounds like fun. but at the same time i guess that's why u have an imagination and it isn't really your life - it might end up being a really bad, dangerous life for you that you wouldn't get any enjoyment out of. it's never wrong to wonder though but when it came down to it, wouldn't it be really tough on you keeping that secret and not being able to share it when u felt it weighing you down?
*HUGS* have fun at ur dads ^^ is the sleep over thing only a recent occurence?
love u!
ps pack a small bag, pha, such a sin! i order u to pack the largest bag u've ever packed lol :D