Now, there's twenty minutes left of my school day, and after that I'm going to my dad's for the night. Probably going to watch H2o with my sister, and I don't care if that's childish of me to watch, because I like watching shows that she can watch together with me. I shouldn't have let her watch Prison Break, and I'm not going to let her watch Fringe, or Supernatural (even though I'd probably be more scared and jumpy than her :P), so Disney Channel it is :P
Random love confession: I love butterflies because they remind me of Loveless <3 :P In fact, I'm wearing a blue butterfly ring as we
Well, I have to go now. :] later, lovers.
"A teenage vow in a parking lot
Till tonight do us part."
-Fall out Boy, Hum Halleluja.
I love you, though.
~Leene~ "You're still in our hearts." xoxx
I love you<3 :)
SvarSletthave fun! lol u sound so responsible! :P
SvarSlettoki, obcession noted for a later date lol ^^