I want to work as a waitress in a small town diner... once again, here I go with my random obsessions. But watching Roswell will do that to you, I swear :P It seems so nice working at the Crash Down, like Liz does, and I kind of wish we had diners around here... but then again, I wouldn't like serving the people here. :P
:P We have "subject-day" in school today, which basically means every friday we have one subject for 7 lessons in a row. Today's been Scenography day, and we've made snow crystals out of paper and "ice-bergs" out of wood and fabric... fuuun :P
In just a short hour it's finally time to go home, and I have dad's house to myself this weekend, so I'm having my friend R over, and we're gonna watch movies and eat pizza and have fun :]
Yesterday I slept from around seven pm til ten pm, and I was knackered when I woke up :P so dead. I think I'm exhausted because I'm not being creative... but then I can so easily fix it, I just don't. Whatever :P
I have to go now, but if you want something fun to do sometime you're bored, go to www.faceinhole.com :P you can put your face in any picture, it's so cool. And fun to do when you're bored in school ;)
Love love!
~Leene~ "I watch you when you are sleeping." xoxx
lol i'd come everyday if u served in a diner here :D
SvarSlettoo sounds like fun! i wish we did that at skl. that sounds so cool! do u learn how to make snowglobes? that'd be fun ^^ have a great day huni
lol take ur time. even not being creative is some form of creativity :)
lol i shall definately be doing that at school when i go back on monday! :P
lots of love bak ^^
:D yay! that's a plan then! :P
SvarSletthah, it's not nearly as fun as it sounds, believe me. and no, we're not making these things for ourselves, but for the theater show another school is putting up for christmas, so we don't get to make snowglobes or other fun stuff.
:P wow... that kind of makes sense... ;)
Haha, be sure to post pictures ;) its awesome! :P
indeed, you have a stalker now :D mwhas!
SvarSlettawh. how comes u have to make it if it's for another skl? u could always sabbotage it to make things more interesting :D *so beenr reading too much jekyll and hyde!*
ROFL it's complete insanity, it's oki. u can say it...
okiiiiiiiiiiii! lol but i wasn't in the computer room and i actually did do my work *faint* i know, sounds amazing but i actually did!
love love love