I obsess. It's what I do. Call it creative inspiration, but I do it.
I've just seen "Queen of the Damned" which is a most genial film! <3 :) I loved it. I actually like it better than "Interview with a vampire", because Lestat is young and sexy, and a rockstar in this one! :P and when he gets together with Akasha (queen of the damned) they're so cute! And I know two vampires being all bloody isn't what most people would call "cute" but their expressions... they were just like little kids! *puppy eyes* (little bloody kids, but still... :P) It's a must see, and I recommend it highly. If only to add another guy to my list of hotties. :P I guess I do really have a thing for "bad"-boys. ^^ But then again, I always knew that (Cole <3)
Enough of that. My birthday was yesterday, and I am now EIGHTEEN years old... whaaaw. I feel so mature, and responsible, and grown-up now ^^ (not really). It's time to go out into the world, and get a job, and a family. Or? Hmm, there's nothing really different about me, and it makes no sense to me that one day should change so much about your life... but I do sense the difference, and I know I'll feel it clearer soon. Ah well.
These days I'm so tired, I've just been falling asleep the minute I get home from school. I am sleep deprived to the limit, and I'm so tired that I don't even care anymore! :O today I was so tired that I stayed in bed, and caught a buss at nine (instead of the school buss at seven thirty) and got to school late. I need to get myself together, but I. just. don't. see. why. :( I need inspiration, meaning, achievement, creation.
Anywho, I'm gonna watch some episodes of 90210 now, before trying to do some homework (possibly). I need to sleep this weekend, so that I'm not completely dead for my party next friday. Waaaahw.
(Isn't she the cutest queen you've ever seen? :) and Lestat ;) can't complain either way.)
~Leene~ "All I wanna do is find a way back into love." xoxx