"We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely. All art is quite useless." -Oscar Wilde.
Wow, and I've officially started reading Dorian Gray. There'll probably just be coming more and more quotes from now on :P prepare thee.
So, today I've been listening to K-pop alot (along with watching Narnia of course), and I've been quite obsessed. The happy up-beat music, and the cute singers with way too colourful clothes... why wouldn't I just fall for it? :P So 2ne1's Fire has been at the top, but I've found alot of other groups to listen to also :)
It's been a good, relaxing day, but I'm glad I have two free periods tomorrow morning, coz I haven't slept as much as I should... ah well, when do I ever? Time for bed now though, as I have a long day of cleaning ahead of me when I get home from school tomorrow.
Oyasumi Nasai! :)
~Leene~ "I can express everything." xoxx
the outfit is lovely ^^ and i'm loving the fringe - the curling definately paid off :)
SvarSlettlol i always wondered why mrs greenhalgh was so big on oscar wilde, now we know, huh? :)
awh! ur becoming a regular domestic goddess lol :D. u'd be cute as a k-pop singer. how bout we get jihyun to tutor u in korean :D? YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY for narnia! ^^
lol it's amazing how u function with so little sleep! it really is impressive :)
that hair style and colour look really nice on u ^^
SvarSlett:) glad u like. Yay, I actually curled it this morning too, so I'm wearing it like that in school... :P
SvarSlettYessss, we do!!! She's so clever that one :P I really wish she was still my teacher :(
Heheh, I am? :P awww, thank yooouuuu! I wanna be a domestic goddess :D I would? I WOULD! :D yes, let's get Jay to tutor me! :P (I guess that means I have to come back to London, for her to tutor me? *evil laugh* :P I finally have an excuse, moahaha ;) :P)
Lol, I know, but I'm glad we do, or I'd never get by :P heheh.
^^ i bet ppl at skl were like i wish that was me!
SvarSletti wish she was too:( then i could harass to have u moved into my class! lol i shoulda done that so much sooner! apparently, she had a trapped nerve - had to end last lesson early. lol she was walking around like a robot for the whole lesson, i felt so sorry for her! :P
indeed u r my pet *pats* lol yeah, it's the perfect plan for the perfect crime mwhas ^^ *hi 5*
lol :) XP
:P it they were, they didn't let it show.
SvarSlettAwww, dang it, that would've been so nice :) I didn't get to have ANY lessons with u :(
:D looking forward to it ;) *hi 5*
lol i assure u, they SO were :)
SvarSlett:*( waaaaaaaaaaah! ***cries like a baby lol***
:D lol lemmie attack jay...*hi 5*
lol :D
;) thanx.
SvarSlett*cries with you* :( :( I knowwwww. So sadddd.
:P I'll let you do that ;) *hi 5*
hi hi 0:)