Today I woke up crying. I was having a bad dream (about my mom being angry at me), and I suddenly wake up, and it's the middle of the night, and tears are streaming down my face. It was horrible. I hate waking up crying, it's even worse than starting to cry during the day, coz it's like you have no control. Crying during daytime can be good because you get to let it all out, and feel better afterwards. When you wake in the middle of the night on the other hand, there's no control. I hope it won't happen again.
During the summer last year I dreamt that my stepfather got hit by a train, and I woke up crying then too. You're so innocent when you sleep; there're no lies, or hiding your emotions, or your thoughts. So I think it's natural to cry from those kind of dreams, but I still don't like it. Not cool.
Anyways, I've had an autumn-cleaning day today :) going through all the boxes that make my room look like a storage-room instead of a bedroom, and I've thrown away three full bags of paper from old school-work, to crap I've kept all these years. It's time to throw away everything I don't need, because I want to be a better person, and there are lots of people who need the things more than me. Besides, I need new things ;) lol.
Also, you know when you find old stuff that you haven't looked at in years, and you still love it when you see it? It made me realize that you can love something, but not have to think about it all the time. It's still love, and you'll still have the good feelings when you see it again. :) that's one of the nice things about cleaning through my junk. I get to love again :)
The music of the day has been Girls Aloud, and I must admit I've listened to them on repeat for a good half of the day. Right now I'm listening to Anna Tsuchiya though, but I'm gonna go to bed as soon as this is done :) My back aches from having sat in a bad posture on the floor all day, while going through all my old shit, so I'm exhausted.
Just wanted to pop in and say hi :P "Hi :)"
(The last picture is one of the things I found that I made probably round six years ago :P haha, but it's cute though, neh?)
I'm going now, so toodles ;)
~Leene~ "Me, me, me, me, me, me, it's all me tonight." :P xoxx
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ^^ *pats*
SvarSlettawh, poor hostage, u needs a massage lol.
i never thought about love like that. wow, that's deep! my hostage is so clever:D
dreams like that are horrible but you shouldn't worry about them being "not cool." people who don't experience stuff like that aren't as in touch with their emotions anyway and so they're the ones who aren't cool.
while we burried nana and a few weeks after i used to cry in my sleep a lot. i guess it's coz u have lots of things on ur mind that contribute to dreams like that?
well, if u ever wanna let off some steam about things or if u wanna tell someone about those dreams i am here and waiting ^^ *hugs*
those pics of u are so pretty! u really suit red lipstick :D and that mask is cute too :). plus the lace look tights look really cool with that skirt! u r, my dear, a fashion god!
love u. take care of urself
Hiya :) Yessss, I DO SO NEED A MASSAGE! :P wanna come give me one? 0:)
SvarSlettHaha, it wasn't very deep, but thanks anyway ;)
Yea, I think it's just coz we're asleep so we don't have any control over our emotions, so we can't hold back the tears. If I'd been awake I might have wanted to cry, but I could have prevented myself from doing so, whereas in my sleep, I don't have that hold on myself. make sense? :P
Thanx, I know :) it's ok tho, I'm a survivor ;)
Why, thankyoo master :) I love red lipstick, but I don't have the guts to wear it in school (or anywhere else, besides with my family :P) I'm a chicken sometimes... lol.
Haha, I do like to experiment with clothes, but I'm hardly a fashion god as you say... or maybe the ppl in Norway aren't ready for my greatness yet? XD haha.
Take care you tooo!!!
<33333 xxoxxxooxxx
ellooooooooooooooooo^^ lol, u even put on a halo...awwwwwh! so cuuuuuuutE! lol yes ofcouse i'll come! *getting on the plane now* ur personal masseuse is on the way lol
SvarSlettlol it really was! uu deserve a lolly for your deep-ness :D
yeah, it makes perfect sense :). i guess i'm too relaxed when i sleep lol.
i'm glad ^^ *HUGS* but if u need me i am still here :)
auuuuuuuuh, but it looks so good on u!!! not many people can carry red lipsick off as good as u (evidently true in the 6th form common room lol). lol they're just not WORTHY of ur fashion-greatness :D
lol i willllllll *playing with a flame thrower* make sure u do too! ^^
lovieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ing uu tooooooooooooos
<3333333333333333333333 xoxoxoxoxoxoxxxoooxxooxxooxoxoxoxo
Heheh, of course, I am trying to sway u to come all the way to Norway to give me a massage ;) I thought the least I could do was put some effort into it XD hahah. *waiting at the airport*
SvarSlettI want a lolly...
I suppose being a vampire and all, that the few times I do sleep are very chaotic, emotionally, for me. :P or something XD
*HUGS* I know :) that's why it's ok.
Thankyooooouuu, you're too kind! :) Hahaha, exactly, that's the reason... :P
*grabs the flame thrower and hides it in a closet* no you won't! :P I'm taking that. Haha. :P
loveeeeeeing yoooooouuuu morrreeeee ;) :P
lol *comes skipping out* yayyyyyyyyyy norway is cool and i've only seen the imaginary airport :D. i think i'll stay here...^^
SvarSlett*hands u a lolly* cherry flavour? :D
ahw *HUGS* vampire needs some love <3<3<3<3<3...*beats edward up* u sill boy, ur neglecting ur vampy-wifey, what ARE u doing?!¬_¬
*HUGS* ^^
:D. lolz! too tru.
oki *picks up one of those pipe things and starts snake charming* la dee da dee da dee da ^^
haha, that's what uu think :P
WOVING U MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOoooooooooooooSTIEST :D
*greets you* :D yay, then real Norway must be so much better :P hopefully. lol.
SvarSlettYES, CHERRY IS MY FAVOURITE! (how'd u know? :P)
*hugs back* I dooo... :P hahaha, *watches and laughs as you beat Edward* poor my honey... but he had it coming ;)
Hah! *closes eyes* that's not gonna work...