I cannot undesire it.
I cannot even try to resist.
I will desire it until I have it.
But there is no end.
No matter how much I take,
I still want."
Thought that was a fitting introduction, because I just found "The picture of Dorian Gray" amongst my stepfather's books, and I'm thrilled :P I want to read it so bad, and I just thought "maybe he's got it" (coz he's got all sorts of cool, old books), and BAM, he did. :) I feel like I'm obsessing, and it's all Kini's fault ;) Though I actually kind of wanted to buy the book while I was in London (what did I say; I really am fascinated by the title, and his name :P coz I've never read anything about the book itself XD) and now that I've seen the trailer, and the pictures (and the fact that Ben Barnes plays in the movie, no lie :P) I just needed it.
I want to write an amazing and deep book like Dorian Gray. If it just wasn't so difficult... :P

Anyway, today I've been watching Narnia: Prince Caspian all day. Not the movie with Ben Barnes (although, talking about him yesterday must be what made me want to watch Narnia all of a sudden), but the old TV show that used to go in Norway every Christmas. It's much better than the movies, but it's quite different. Like; in the movie the kids are all teenagers, and Susan and Prince Caspian kind of have a thing going. Whereas in the TV show, they're all just kids, and Prince Caspian is a kid too, so no love whatsoever there :P I like it because it reminds me of the old days, and even though the special effects are crap, and you just have to laugh at the beavers and other animals, it's the original. To be honest I never liked the movie. Only the Prince Caspian one (and that's all on you, Ben :P).
Anyway, I'm going to go upstairs and watch "George Gently" with my mum now, so I'll blog more later :P probably.
All my love!
~Leene~ "He reminds me of you, and I love him for it." xoxx
haha! i have the power! lol ;) :P i'm glad ur reading it:D lemmie know what happens!!!!! ur dad has cool taste in books:D
SvarSlettlol i loved mr and mrs beaver they were so cuuuuuuuute. did u ever watch the cartoon of narnia when it first came out? it's pretty basic but i love it lol. and u no they really made it seem like turkish delight was yummy but whenever i have it it's DISGUSTING. but i never learn lol :P i still keep trying different types of it :).
*hi 5 dorian grey lover*
all my love back :D
You do indeed have the ultimate power ;) ah, I'm glad too :P I'll keep you posted ;)
SvarSlettI know! :P um, noo never seen cartoon of it. Haha, awww ;) I don't think I like it either... :P but oh well.
*hi 5 YES INDEED* :P
i look forward to it :D *and yayyyyyyyyyy! i have ultimate power!!! whooooooh!!!*
SvarSlett^^. i'll dust the cobwebs off the video for next time i see u :). lol only kidding, i wouldn't dare touch it if there'd been spiders on it :P. lol but turkish delight always looks so pretty...and tasty...and ends up being pretty-tastily-icky lol :P
*hi 5* haha, u ADMITS IT!!!:D but won't edward get jelous? ;)
heheh, don't let it get to ur head now ;) (too late I guess XD)
SvarSletthahah, you do that ;) or get Ursi to :P
*low 5* haha, bet you didn't see that one coming!! ;) (*is in a silly mood* XP) and yes... I must admit I have quite alot of love for the boy. As for Edward... he left us!! He left, and Jake got big, and everything went to hell... so I won't feel guilty about that... *shifty eyes* :P
lol *having to support my now huuuuuuuuuge head with a pair of stilts to keep it upright* lol i'm like a human powerpuff girl lol ;) :P
SvarSlettyeah lol, why should i do it when there's someone else who can *evil smile* :D
lol *just about gets ur hi 5* wow, that was a surprise...how exciting :D *also in a silly mood now...it's contagious lol* lol i kinda don't wanna see it coz that book drove me mad. i was like someone kill jake already and bring edward back coz this is so BOR-RING! lol but...steph b is happy coz apparently taylor lautner takes off his shirt...oodallally lol. i'm gonna be making choking noises in the back for that bit lol :P. yeah, edward needs to be taught a lesson - u go hostage!
hahaha, funny mental image XD AHAHAHA; KiniPuff! :) <3
SvarSlettHeheh, that's what I always think ;) why do for yourself what others can do for you? 0:)
I know, I'm full of surprises ;) *dances around in a silly-mood-dance (whatever the hell that is :P*)
I WANNA SEE THAT MOVIE SO BAD! :D XD :P ... (he-llooo, Jakey boy is H.O.TT without a shirt... and if you've seent the trailer *breathless* I just about died when he leapt and transformed into a wolf <3 I know, I've gone to the dark side, and it isn't pretty *so ashamed* but jake is like a cute pet... I want a pet like that ^^)
But I'd like it more if I could see it with u guys again :)