mandag 28. september 2009

Are we human, or are we dancer?

I'm feeling like I really wanna skip school tomorrow... I'm tired, and I can't be arsed to go :( besides, if it's my b-day, shouldn't I get to stay home in bed all day eating cakes and sweets and opening pressies?? :P

Wah, right now I'm lying in bed listening to "Lollipop with BigBang and 2ne1" :] loves that song.

And another little quotey for you:
"I am jealous of everything whose beauty does not die." DORIAN I LOVE YOU! So honest :P

And since I'm in a vain mood now (due to reading DG), I was thinking of maybe watching Shoppaholic... hmm... :P but I'm tired, and hungry, and it's late.

I'll post more tomorrow, probably. Loveeee, and thank yooou Kini for the wonderful pic-prezzies I got earlier :D

~Leene~ "pretty boy." (I think we all know who that is ;P) xoxx

2 kommentarer:

  1. lol that IS honest :)

    yayyyyy love the pics!

    lol u should have the day off damn it, u so should!:). so...did u have the day off? i hope ur feeling a little more...energetic now *HUGS*

    awh, me lovee u too, i'm glad u like tho it isn't really that amazing lol :P *pats* ur so sweet ^^

    haha! well...that depends, our convo on msn listed a great many pretty boys. hey, i think a condition of our party should be that u have to be a pretty boy to enter??? lolz :P

    love uz!

  2. I know. I love him more and more for every sentence I read :P If he was only real... though he's a womanizer... but I'd change that ;)

    I loves any pic with G-boy in 'em :D

    Hah, no... I didn't stay home... but I'm actually glad I went though, coz I got pressies and muffins and brownies :D

    I'm very, very tired, and feel sick from eating too much cake, but I'm happy :) *HUGS* wish u could've been here!

    I love you, and it WAS an amazing gift to me, coz it was from u, and u thought about me :)

    Haha, this particular time I was talking about G-boy ;) but yea... I have a long list... maybe I'll share it someday... ;) lolz. Yes; pretty boys may enter :D pretty boys with english accents, or from texas, or asian boys ;) hahah.

