Oh, wow, I really haven't been a good blogger lately :S well, it's almost midnight now, school tomorrow, so I'll try and be brief.
Starting school again has been fun, boring, time-consuming, healthy and tiring. ^^ Yeah, all of those. I've started to like History this year (ok, so maybe it is because the teacher is cute ;) he's also in his fifties, so... :P no dice), and I really hate art. ^^ Wah. The good thing about this year is that it's my last year, we don't need to take maths this year, we're Russ this year (Norwegian thing, can probably be googled :P), and we're going all over the place to party, and do mischief :P Doesn't sound like a normal school-ritual now does it. But it is, though, totally ;)
Anyway, I've had to start thinking about my future (dreadful thing :P), and I think I've decided to try to go to a dance-school next year... so yah.
It's also 23 days til I turn 18, so... iiiihhhh!!! XD I'm not really sure how it's gonna go down, or how I truly feel about turning 18, and officially being an "adult", but... you know, some aspects are cool ;)
Now, about this Summer; it's been a really good summer this year, a very different one from any other year. I haven't been to Spain, or Denmark or anywhere with my dad (like I usually am), instead I had his house to myself for ten days! So during that time I've learnt alot about myself, and I've really liked this summer. It's funny, when you can feel yourself growing as a person, and changing from who you used to be. Really weird. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks about those kind of things, but yah... weird. I haven't really been "home" this summer, but I suppose my dad's house is "home" too... in a way... I think it's meant to be anyway. ^^
Wow, really "deep" (not). So, I'm going to go to bed now, and try not to let it go forever until next time I blog.
Oh, and by the way, I fell in love this summer ^^ ;) haha, bet you didn't see that one coming, and neither did I to be honest. Anyhow, it's in my dad's house. So, not that exciting. BUUUUUUTTT, I really want to buy it (since he's selling it), and I don't know what I'll do if he sells it! :S It's been my longest lasting home ever. Even though I haven't lived there full-time, it's still the house that one part of my family has lived in since I was 6, and I've just never had that anywhere else. So I feel like this is the last connection I have to my childhood, (and how weird is that?) and I don't want to lose it. :(
Whatever. I'm going. :P
~Leene~ "Hot like wow" xoxx
school sounds fun :D!!! i should go to norway for my final year ;):D
SvarSlettoo, dance school. that sounds interesting. was there any reason why u decided to go? ^^
*HUGS* you're not weird. most people are just too boring and stupid to have those type of experiences where they learn more about themselves. remember "home is where the heart is" so that means anywhere and everywhere can be home depending on how you feel :). have you learnt anything in particular about yourself? oo, twilight is out soon YAYYYYYYYYYYYY :) and i hope you have a very very happy birthday :D get up to lots of mischief :)
that's not weird. i was really sad when my grandparents sold their house and when i sold my flat coz i always used to switch between the two. living in just one place now is kinda hard. just make sure you enjoy your time there as much as possible and do all the things you wanted but never had the chance. things like...i dunno...carving your name into the skirting somewhere lol but not that exactly coz you might get in trouble AND hurt yourself. take lots of pictures there with the people you care about. that helps coz you'll have something to look back on
ta ta huni ^_^ *pats* look forward to your next blog :D
take care of yourself
Hiiya :)
SvarSlettUm, because I like dancing? :P nah, but I'm not sure it's possible anymore, because I don't want to move too far away... ah. :S
Haha, it's stil a while till my b-day though... :P a couple of weeks at least. Lol.
love you!