lørdag 5. desember 2009

The only thing that's on my mind, is who's gonna run this town tonight?

Asian people keep adding me on facebook... it's a bit odd really, I mean; how do they all find me? :P I don't mind, I always accept of course, but it still makes me wonder... ^^ Ah, well. Never mind.

My mom and stepdad went to the city yesterday, to stay the weekend and buy x-mas gifts, so my sister (on my dad's side) came home with me and stayed the night :) It was really nice, and we watched 10 episodes of Merlin... :P haha. All because Chris-baby plays a role in ONE episode (episode 10 ;) of course). But I did like it though, so... ^^

Right now I'm baby sitting my brother and sister, while my grandparents are at a concert?? Wtf? And then I'm going to my wifey's place around 8, for her sweet 18th! :D really stoked on that, especially since it'll be our first time going out after our coming off age ;) I've just spent forever deciding what to wear, and I still have to put make-up on and some other things.

Song of the day: Britney's "3" :P one needs a good song to dance to while deciding what look to wear on a night out ;) lol.

I have to go get ready now, only two more hours to go before I can relax and enjoooooy myself :) Ciao lovers.

I love you, though.

~Leene~ "1, 2, 3, everybody loves me." ;) xoxx

tirsdag 1. desember 2009

Looking back on when we first met, I cannot forgive and I cannot forget

Today I slept til 5 pm. First I woke up too late to catch my school buss at seven thirty. So I was gonna catch the nine buss, but then I woke up too late to take that one too! :O :P I stayed up way too late last night, watching Itazura na Kiss and being fangirlish and hyper. That's probably why I was totally knackered this morning, and stayed in bed til five. I just didn't see any point in getting up, because I had nothing to do anyway. When I finally did get up though, I had dinner, and did my Norwegian's homework. I feel a little better now, but if I miss my buss tomorrow again, I'm gonna kill myself. :P not really, but I'll think about it again.

Before I can go to bed today though, I have to pack for my weekly trip to my dad's, which is tomorrow, watch a movie (I don't consider stuff like that optional :P), eat some more, have a shower, and possibly start watching Blood Ties... or finish watching InK, which I only saw 14 out of 25 episodes last night. But they got married, so I'm quite happy with where I left it off ^_^

Tomorrow I'm going with my sisters to my grandmother's house, and we're gonna bake Christmas cookies :D I'm looking forward to it... and especially the "eating them" part ^^ ;) lol.

Also considering watching Quest for Camelot, or even Beauty and the Beast -yet again- now, just because it inspires me, and I like to be inspired... though I've probably had my fill of Disney movies for the remainings of this year, we all know that's not gonna stop me :P I'm also childishly looking forward to the release of "The Princess and the Frog" movie which is a new disney movie coming on December 11th... :P

I feel like I have nothing to say right now, so I'm gonna go and try to get all the stuff done so I can be in bed by midnight, at the latest. :) I'm watching Bones season 2 right now, so that's probably why I feel so good :P Bones always gets me in a good mood, because it's so funny, yet smart. Ciao for now.

I love you, though.

~Leene~ "I'm not Philistine, I'm Catholic." love you Booth ;) xoxx