tirsdag 7. september 2010

They say that kitty's got soul...

And before I go to bed (who am I kidding, I mean before I watch another episode of Supernatural, while snacking on toast and chocolate milk -_-) I thought I'd just leave some pics. And yes, I am a complete tool when it comes to taking pictures of myself... I am... a cam whore ^^ but only in my own company.

Look at this deranged haircolour! I need to go blond asap, I don't even know what to call this... oh well. At least that's another colour I can check off my list of "colours I have tried to have my hair". -_- I think that's what you call epic fail. I'm never happy with my hair, I guess that's something I have to live with... Or, just continue to try new colours until the day I find myself. Or die. Whichever comes first :P (jk).

This time, for cereal: GOOD NIGHT.

~Leene~ "Slipping into nighttime." xoxx

The smell of cakes and pies are absolutely everywhere...

My room is this completely obnoxious thing, with pink walls covered in posters and magazine cut-out, filled with books, dvd's, A BIG FUCKING CLOSET FULL OF CLOTHES, teddy bears on top of the closet, book shelves and under my desk, and bags hanging everywhere. It looks... mostly like a storage room. It's completely childish, but the way I see it... Its my first proper room. When I was little, we never had our own house. We rented places, -and we did live one place for 5 years-, but we never lived anywhere longer than 5 years. So I never had one house to call "home". Home was wherever we were, which was fine. But then we moved back to the island where my mom grew up, and started building our own house, and right before we moved to London in 2008 it was finished. So... I've actually not lived here as long as I think. It feels like home. It feels good. And thus, I have finally gotten the girly room I've always wanted :)
Wow, this was a completely random and useless story... anyway, my whole point was: this is my first room that is all mine, therefore I will decorate it as if I were a 5 year old princess-wannabe girl ^^ :P

And behold! I succeeded ^^ Lol.

(It's getting late, can you tell? My brain is phunking up, and things make less sense :P)

Well, nightie.

~Leene~ xoxx

Who wants the world? The world will never do...

Sooo, on instructions from wifey I am back on my blog... :P I keep neglecting it, but meh. I try to live sometimes... and then I fail, and it takes time ^^ :P lol.

News: my grandmother bought me a sewing machine... :O it's one of the nicest things I've gotten, and it's so much fun learning how to do it :) we're gonna go wild with creativity now ;) lol. Starting on small handbags and make-up bags, and moving onto baby-doll dresses and tops etc ^^ My grandmother is AMAZING when it comes to making things! She learnt to sew when she was around 7! In school! I can safely say we never learnt anything so cool, or so USEFUL when I went to kiddie-school... -_- what has the world come to? Anyway, she's teaching me as we go, and it's looking good ^^

We went to buy fabics today, so it's all happening now ^^ ... I also bought *shame* three books... but to be fair; I only had to pay for two of them! It wasn't a relapse into shopaholism! I swear... I have a whole shelf of my bookshelf filled with vampire fiction now... I'm thinking; I'm such a fangirl :P But I've always liked the supernatural, what can I say?

Speaking of Supernatural, that is infact what I am watching atm. ^^ Got home from our "shopping-spree" and started watching season 2 again :) ah, the wonders that is Complete DVD seasons <3

On a totally unrelated note... it is 22 days til my birthday. I sometimes forget how old I'm turning, coz 19 seems such an irrelevant age. You're not turning legal, you're not turning the big 20, so really... it just ages you by a year :P Whooo.
I kind of agree with Kyle (XY) when it comes to birthdays: what is the point? We're celebrating having survived another year? It's almost... morbid. But alas, a day where I get to eat cake and other sweets, and get pressies and attention... I guess it's not so bad. If you see past the reason for said cakes and gifts ^^ :P

I've recently gone back to listening to various of the bands I used to be obsessed with when I was younger (like, 16-17-ish), and I've just "discovered" (or started listening to, more like) Cobra Starship's album "Hot Mess", and I am addicted. It happens to be one of the things I want for my "big" 19 ;) lol. Plus a whole lot of other things, because; what can I say? I am a material girl ^^

I don't know what else to say on these matters... so I guess I'll just say goodbye ;)

What can I say? I still love you ;)

~Leene~ "There's no me without you". xoxx

tirsdag 10. august 2010

Coz it's all about letting go

I'm sitting here, with curlers in my hair, and I've just gotten home from England. Me and a friend left for Manchester last Tuesday, and today we flew back home. I can't believe how much money I've managed to spend in one mere week! It's incredible, really. All the books, and new dvd's I've bought... aah. And now I'm back home, and I'm completely relaxed, and am looking forward to just being for some time.

I'm wondering what I should do now, as I feel its been a while since I was alone, just spending time doing what I always do. I've bought season two of Buffy (the Spike-and-Dru season <3), and also season one of Bewitched, which I've only seen one episode of... I also bought Dorian Gray :P I couldn't help myself. So I've got quite a few choices, but I'm undecided. Wah! I wish Kini could come, and we could have a movie marathon ^^ we've never had one, but it's sure to be nice.

Anyway, I have this bad habbit of sometimes buying books just because I like the cover. Or even the title. This time, I've ended up buying two books I'd never even heard of, just because I happen to fall for the picture on the front. I should know better, but I don't mind spending money, so I won't care atm ^^ :P I also bought Dracula, which I thought should be an essential read at this point ^^

So, here's one of the books I "fell" for. I just liked his orange eyes, so unusual! I actually love books with eyes on the cover... it's pathetic, but today, after we'd landed in Norway, I was about to do it again! Buy a book because of the cover I mean... because I've been wanting it for some time (coz of the cover), but its not my kind of book at all, so I've managed to control myself. But the time will surely come... -_-

Anywhoo, enough about my silly ways. I've been thinking of chopping off all my hair again ^^ it was a random thought I had today, but I might do it... I want it to be short, but I don't know about the colour. I suddenly missed my black bob, but I've been trying to get it blond for some time, and abandoning that mission seems a bit sad. I also had a dream that it was a warm, dark brown colour, with blond highlights all over, in a bob... so I might want to just do that instead. What should I do??

Well, it's time for me to make a decision. ^^ I'll leave you with one more book that I bought because of the title and cover. ^^

I still love you, though.

~Leene~ xoxx

lørdag 29. mai 2010

I'm in love with a fairytale...

OK, just stopped in to write something quickly. :P Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while, but atm I'm sitting on the couch in the livingroom, waiting for Eurovision Song Contest to start :P Even though I don't like the Norwegian contestant in it this year I still manage to get that national feeling when I sit here watching.
Anyway, I gotta go watch :P I'll stop back in later, lol.


tirsdag 4. mai 2010

A boombox can change the world

Whooo! I'm back! :P I haven't really been gone, it's just sometimes I don't find the inspiration to write anything about myself... but when people tell me to, well... that's inspirational xD lol.

I guess alot of things have changed lately, but somehow it's not really that I change hobbies, so much as add on to what I already like. Sooo... footballers :P they're the new thing, lol. I find it weird and cool how I can think I totally don't care about football, but if I sit down in front of the telly and watch a game, I get totally into it, and every time someone has the ball close to the goal, I'm going "GO GO GO GO, YOU CAN DO IT, COME OOOONNNNNNN!" :P as if I'm a fan. It's amazing how fast you get into it, man. Maybe it runs in the blood, neh? Both my dad and my mum played football back in their day, and dad still watches it religiously. :P Maybe I'm just following the legacy. HAHAHA, not. Maybe I'm just following the hotness, is more like it ;) anywhooo.

I'm on season 5 of House, and House and Wilson have just become friends again, which I like. Also, the P.I Lucas is in it now, and I luuurrve him :P so cute.

What else have I been doing these days... hummm... I've been listening to BOOMBOX (by the Lonely Island ft. Julian Casablancas) which is an insane song :P

And in Norway we have this tradition, since we go to our last school for three years, and when you're in your last year of this school (which I am, and it's equivalent to being in A2) you have two weeks of basically just partying and doing crazy shit. It's called Russ, which I guess you can google :P depending on which subjects you major in, you wear spesific clothes according to subject. My school has red clothes, and basically you order online, and get trousers and hats that are either red, blue, black or green (etc.) I'm red, as are everyone in my school. Then we can do different pranks or random stuff, and get to tie things in our hats and people write on each others' trousers. (Btw, I just googled it, and there's a wikipedia page on it, so nevermind my lousy explanation! :P)
Anyways, we're going to another city in Norway this weekend, to party! All the Russ do it (all who want I mean), and all of us get together, and there's concerts and fun stuff :) There'll be drinking from friday til sunday, lol. Hopefully everything will be alright, tho ;) So for the next two weeks I get to not worry about what clothes to wear for school, because we all just wear our red trousers anyway :) chill.
Anyway, we have a song that we call "Russe-song" and it's Italobrothers with "Stamp on the ground". Check it out, coz it's so addictive :P

Sorry, that was totally boring. I'm slightly stressing, because I've got so much on my plate in the coming weeks, with exams and parties and grades and WAHHH. :P

I'm gonna go now, end this boringness :P We have to get up eeeearly on Friday to drive to Kongeparken, which is where our weekend partying is taking place, so I prolly won't blog in another while :P

I still love you, though! <3

~Leene~ "let me think about it..." xoxx

onsdag 17. mars 2010

We're the leaders of the new school

So, I find this picture amusing ^^ :P take it as a warning o_O ;) neh.

I didn't go to school today, I don't really know what happened... So I slept instead, and I had a ton of weird-ass dreams! Mostly I was drunk, it was like a wonderful skins party, but with people I used to know... crack. ^.^

And speaking of skins, it's just gotten whack lately. I prefered the first generation, because even though there was drama, there wasn't DRAMA like in the second generation. I feel like the producers try to top whatever they did last time, and make it even more insane... that's not really a good tactic... :P Having some dude beat Freddie to death with a baseball bat... was not such a great idea ^^ Still, I'm stoked for the third generation, and I can't wait till season 5 and 6 start airing :D I wonder what issues all the new kids will have, since we know everyone always has a ton of deep psychological issues to deal with xD

Love of the day: The Leaders by GD, Teddy and CL. :) I've been listening to it non-stop on repeat... waaah.

Time to go do something constructive, and not laze about in bed anymore ^.^ but then again, who am I really kidding? ;)

I love you, though.

~Leene~ "Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air..." xoxx

tirsdag 16. mars 2010

I can't breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe no more

I like songs despite not knowing what they're about. Japanese, Korean, even French ones, I'll listen and love, and not have the foggiest what they're about. So today, on a whim, I google translations... Awww, GD! *heart* Now I just love the songs even more! I never really gave it any thought, what they could be about, I just enjoyed. Now they mean something. It's special. :)

Today's been a relaxing day, basically because I haven't done much, and my teachers have been nice to me (they tend to be, though I never figured out why :P I'm not a goodie). We're making a handbag for art, so I've done some sewing today. Right now I'm in history class, which is always alright. Next is Norwegian, which will probably be horrible, but meh. For now, I just. don't. care. ^.^

Love of the day: chupa chups lollies :]

I started watching season 1 of House yesterday... it is awesome! :P House is the funniest. He's so sarcastic, how can I not love? I've always been sarcastic (much to my mother's dismay) but never have I been as bad as House :P I'm going to continue watching it when I get home today, even though I should also revise since we have a test tomorrow :S Norwegian test. Blah.

I love you, though.

~Leene~ "Your eyes are the size of the moon." xoxx

mandag 15. mars 2010

You're like a melody in my head, that I can't get out

This is the beginning.

I'm obsessed with finding out the beginning. How everything starts out. How I started out, became me. Should it make sense, or is it random? Either way, it's not something I want to think about, but I can't turn it off. At the end of the day, I try to turn off anything called "thoughts" and watch a movie. Distractions. Living by the motto: "If it's not right in front of me, it doesn't exist." Ever since I read that sentence for the first time about three years ago, I adored it.

I'm weird, love me.

~Leene~ "there's love, and then there's LOVE!!" :) <3>

I've got the frequency to turn you on

So, I've just gotten home, had a glass of chocolate milk and one with orange juice, and am currently sitting in my bed under my duvet. I feel good. And I thought this would be a bad day, coz it started off so good, but it's been ok :) surprisingly.

Now, I'm gonna have a hamburger for dinner, then I'm heading out to meet wifey at five, and we're going around collecting money for cancer. Ringing people's doorbells and begging, in other words :P it's for school, because we're seniors (I suppose we'll call us that, even though we're not in America ;) lol), and apparently seniors are the people in the country that help out the most with these kinds of fundraisers. :) oh well, two hours of my life that can save someone else? I'm ok with that :)

Well, I gotta go get ready, but I'll try to be on later :)

I love YOU, though. ^^

~Leene~ "Hey there, tin smiles." xoxx

Fight for myself...

Ok, so I checked my list, and it's more like 40-50 manga's on it... -_- but 10 of them will be ordered in the coming week :)

So, this weekend was indeed very relaxing, and I'm glad it turned out the way it did. I was supposed to go to the local bar with my girls again, but last minute I just realized I didn't feel like it. I don't like to be stupid, so I'll try to be smart instead. I've been going out as often as I can to kill a need, but I'm not into it anymore. Deceiving myself and such. If it happens, it happens, but I'm not going to try to make it happen anymore. Meh.
Instead I really felt like seeing my sister, and spending time with her, so I went to my dad's on Friday by boat. :) We spent the weekend finding different tv shows to watch, and we also watched second season of Castle <3 I do love Rick and Kate, Ryan and Espesito :P
Also, saturday night we played scrabble with the rest of the family, and watched the last episode of "heartbeat", so it was a good day. Sunday I went back home, and saw the "Cirque du freak" movie, which I loved as well :P So funny.
All in all, it was a very relaxing weekend, and I'm glad it turned out that way :) sometimes the most important thing is to be with your family, and yourself, and have nothing to worry about. Even if you know it's not everlasting, "out of sight, out of mind" or something along those lines, neh? ;)

Well, it's monday again now, and back to school. :( I've got P.E, scenography and Religion today, so it's a pretty crappy day, but I've got plans for myself :) Let's just say I'm into drawing again, and that always inspires me :)

I loved you first.

~Leene~ "the dog days are over..." xoxx

torsdag 11. mars 2010

I don't want to give it to anyone...

So, I saw the Avatar movie yesterday... it was much better than I expected. It doesn't look like a good movie, but it is. :) so that was a nice surprise, lol.

Lately I've been getting back in the "anime game" as I'd call it, and I've started checking out new stuff again. I saw Zombie Loan in a day, but there was nothing more than what I'd already read in the manga's... :/ depressing. I wanted to see what would happen. I really need to order some manga's online asap, or I'll fall behind! :P My current list of manga's to buy has got at least 20 books on it, so I have to start soon before it increases! :O :P

I also saw Special A, I got SO hooked I had to see it all. I love rich anime characters who go to top schools and have a lot of family drama due to their status. Marriage interviews. Japan has no boundaries when it comes to what they write about, it's too good! :) :P all the characters in S.A are too good, I love them all <3

I'm starting to miss London more and more again, as it is, every few months I get this pull, a need to go London. :( I wish I could ditch everything and get lost in Waterstones with a cup of Starbucks frapp, and all the newest books I'm into. This depresses me. Take me away today.

Random: I want to be a ninja :P I wish I had a goal in life, a proper one like in animes, not like "I want to be a doctor". That's not what I mean about goal. Goal = "I want to save the world (or a specific group of people)" OR "I want to take over the world". ^.^ those are the two goals I value :P I don't even mind people who want to take over, they amuse me. To be so conceited and ambitious at the same time... how can that not fascinate me? :P So yeah, I wish I had more ambitions, and more ways to get to where I dream of going. Dreams = pointless. ^.^ I suppose life is just getting by until the end. There isn't a meaning anymore, I think we evolved away from that... lol. :P I want a big secret. Something only I know.

Meeeh, sorry for weird topics today. I'm tired, and a little sick of it. When i get home (in an hour) I can't relax like I want to, because I have to do stupid geography. I don't even care. -_-

I wish I could watch "Castle" and relax, with orange juice, chocolate covered strawberries, and hot cocoa with cream, and fries. Disgusting combo, but that's what I'm into these days. :P

Love of the day: my bed. Sleep. No thoughts. Blank minds. Massages. Relaxation.

^.^ but I still love you, though.

~Leene~ "If you're missing I will run away." xoxx

tirsdag 9. februar 2010

That girl's a trick, my friends say...

The world should be made up of cute musicians... ^.^ just a little insight into my train of thoughts on this day. :P We have Norwegian lesson now, so instead I'm checking out my latest band discoveries... This Providence! :O :P ok, so I've listened to some songs before, nothing big, but today my friend showed me one of their MV's, and one of those kids looked like a redhead, his hair seriously looked like it was on fire, man! :O :D I loved it! So, conclusion, now I love that band ^_^ thanks, David. :P Though my friend insists that his hair is brown, so we've agreed on a reddish-brown colour. Still, it was awesome. And 21 is not that old ;) hehe.

Anyway, this all seems a litte weird, I'm sure, especially since I'm one of those people who don't much like redheads... I mean, of course some of them can probably be nice (ok, one of my friends is a redhead underneath her brown dye, and she's nice!), but my experience is just... not that nice ^^ People who have been mean to me have had a way of always having red hair. Dunno why. Sooo, that's why it was a bit of a surprise that I totally fell for this kid on sight, because of his red hair. ^^ this is such a useless blog... :P gomen!

I gotta go now, busses to catch, homework to do once I get home, then private geography lesson with my grandmother to "teach" me... maybe I'll be back later, but don't hold your breath ;) ^^

I love youse.

~Leene~ "fireflies stuck on repeat in my head, owl city!" xoxx

mandag 8. februar 2010

You sneak all the way out here to stare at space and shit?

I went to my friend's house after school today, and didn't come home til around five o'clock, and watched the movie "heartbreakers" (which I mentioned earlier). I love that movie so much, I remember I bought it while living in London, and I used to watch it like three times a day for a short period after buying it :P xD anyway, today after I'd seen it, I just kind of rolled over in bed and closed my eyes for a while... which turned into my mother coming down to my room (in the basement) to say good night around 11:15 pm. Faaaaiilll. Of course it happened today, after I'd talked to Kini about falling asleep in the middle of the day etc. Typical. :P Anyway, I still had homework to do, so I just startet the movie from the beginning again, and while glueing all my artwork into my coursework book, I watched the movie for the second time in one day. Yaay. :D

Have you seen "Heartbreakers"? It makes me want to put on slutty clothes and start conning people ^.^ but that's just me, haha.

Well, I'm off to bed then, a bit late (2 am! :O :O blah). Nightie night, lover.

I love you, though.

~Leene~ "Listen, dipshit!" xoxx

Remember back in the day...

Can you decide to love someone? Because I don't really believe in "true love" for everyone, but I believe that you can always learn to love someone. If you're forced to be with someone alot, then over time, you'll grow to love that person just because you get to know each other so well. That's still love, though, so instead of learning to love someone, you can also decide to love someone? Hmm, this isn't very deep, but I just suddenly got to thinking about it.
And if someone has decided to love you, isn't that even more amazing than someone who just "fell" for you? Because then it's a choice, and it's a good one. Neh? Does this make any sense at all? :P

Anyway, I have decided to not worry, and to love as many people as possible. However, is it possible to be filled with love, but be unaffected when people let you down? Because I don't believe in heartbreak, so that's kind of contradicting.

Gonna go watch the movie "heartbreakers" now (ironically enough :P), as it is one of my favourite movies, and I do love Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Songs of the day: GD's "A boy", and Dara and CL's "Kiss". :]

I love you, still.

~Leene~ "party like a rockstar." xoxx

søndag 7. februar 2010

I don't care-e-e-e-e-e

First, I want to show you a video :P =
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFlEqvGIRCE, here's one of my favourite parts of "I know what you did last summer"... :P I know, it's weird, but wouldn't that just be every girls nightmare? I mean, seriously, that's the worst he could've done her :P I can just imagine waking up with all my hair chopped off... I'd die just from the shock :P I think Sarah is so cute in this scene :) and especially when she smashes the mirror xP

And another thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gamtUQqG_-E, if this is dry humping, then I'm the queen of France... -_- and if GD goes to jail for that, then WTF??? That's just silly... of course, I have no idea what he's singing about in his songs, so maybe they're very explicit, but still... I hardly doubt they could be worse than some of the songs from american artists, and they don't go to jail for not warning people about the content. At least, I don't think? :P

And on to other topics; I think Park Bom is the cutest member of 2ne1 :] she's too adorable, I can't believe she's the oldest! And her MV is adorable too, it's so sad :'(

Haha, of course I had to post the pic of her and GD ;) they're so cute though, he's such a silly boy :P <3

I love you, though.

~Leene~ "I can't make it happen any faster" xoxx

I'll always know... what you did... last summer...

Watching "I know what you did last summer" when you're home alone is... not a good idea ^^ Even if it's the middle of the day. I assume people would have quite a laugh seeing me while I watched it; clutching the duvet to my face, turning away from the screen, screaming before anything has even happened, shouting to the main characters to "get the fuck away" from wherever it was they were headed, where I knew the fisherman would be -_- I loved the movie. Everyone in it is so cute, and at the beginning of the film, where the fisherman wakes up again and grabs Helen's hair and crown, and they push him into the sea, and Helen screams "My crown! He's got my crown!" <3 and Barry jumping in after it <3 aww. Ryan Phillippe, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prince jr. and Jennifer Love Hewitt are all so adorable, specially when they were younger! :D

Have you seen this movie? Am I the only one wimpy enough to be scared while watching it? :P Haha.

I love you, though.

~Leene~ "She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene." xoxx

lørdag 6. februar 2010

Bite me, alien boy!

"Can I aks you a question? Are you the Dr?"
"Dr who?" XD hahahahaha, talk about owned. Yea, so. Some people kill me :P Luckily.

Oh my god, I LOVE GD! :P I mean it! And now I find that he's got another MV, besides Heartbreaker, and I'm DEAD! xD He SMILES in this one! It's called Breathe, and I CAN'T BREATHE! :P yea, so I'm still a teensy weensy bit in love with sweet GD, but really... who wouldn't be?? And when he dances, he looks like a little kid, and my god, I wanna play with him! xD :P no matter how dirty that sounds. Can I have him for x-mas next year? Seriously, I wouldn't aks for anything ever again :P haha. So, maybe I have to learn Korean instead... hmmm.... :P Kini, shall we? O:)

So, today's been a pretty weird day, with sleeping in, then getting text messages I DID NOT appreciate -because they turned my world around and set it on fire (but that's just me being my usual overdramatic hormonal teenage girl self ^^ :P)- and then being in a sad/crappy mood all day, until I had a nap and got it all out of my toxic system. Yeah, so now I'm gonna go upstairs and watch Norwegian eurovision finals with my mum, and then later make tacos to eat while watching Heartbeat. :P Not a very busy day indeed, but I guess I'll save that for next weekend, what with it being Mother's day (in Norway), my dad's b-day AND Valentine's day all in one weekend! -_- that'll be killer, I'm sure.

Well, I have to go now, be social and whatnot. ^^ See you later my lovelies! <33 lots of LOVE; because I'm in a GOOD mood ;) ^^

~Leene~ "YOU'RE my heartbreaker..." :] xoxx

torsdag 4. februar 2010

Be my China darling.

I told you they were coming, didn't I? ;)

I've actually seen a house like this (I'd say chinese-inspired) in my favourite Norwegian city, Bergen, where I used to live from year 1-7. :) I want to live in that house, because then I get to live in one of my favourite places, and in the most awesome house ever! :P haha. I will live in a house like this one day, just watch. ;)
Roommates? :P
I want my house to be really classy, but cute. Think old fashioned movies, with makeup tables and creamy colours, and then hello kitty and cutesie Japan/Tokyo/Chinese inspired things. :)

I love you, though.

~Leene~ xoxx

Am I bovvered?

So, yesterday's blog was pretty pointless, which is why I'm back today. ^^ aren't you lucky ;)

This week has been so easygoing for me, because I was home sick from school both Tuesday and Wednesday, and tomorrow (Friday) we have the day off. :P I should make more of an effort, I knowww, but meh. Life is soon about to start, and then I may start giving a fuck. Maybe. Unless I'm not bothered. :P

Wah, today's inspiration is Catherine Tate ;) =


I've been in love with this show ever since I first saw it. So funny! :P what do you think of Cate Tate? My favourites of her characters are Lauren and nan. :P Nan's laugh kills me, seriously xD

Just look at those awesome erasers! :P haha.
Well, we've got Norwegian class now, and are watching a movie about Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun... which is why I'm blogging instead :P much more productive.

I love you, though.

~Leene~ "Look at the face" ^^ xoxx

onsdag 3. februar 2010

Today I love...


~Leene~ "just a random thought". xoxx

lørdag 30. januar 2010

So hot you run out the door, but then run back for some more

Today I got up at 2 o'clock :P I love saturdays! <3 It's been kind of a cleaning day for me today, I suppose that's how I'll look at it. I've showered, eaten breakfast (at 15.00 o'clock), changed my bed spreads, hoovered the hall, my room and the stairs, folded clothes, changed cat-litter... and now all I have left is finding out what to wear tonight, put makeup on, fix my hair, fresh nailpolish and pack a overnight bag since I'm sleeping at my friend's tonight. So yeah. Spring cleaning! :P

Me, wifey and Lulu are going to the local pub tonight, which me and wifey did two weeks ago alone. That was the first time I was at the pub (which is called Pub no. 13), and mostly there were just students that go to a college at the island who were there.
My friends and I go to school on the mainland -Husnes- but on my Island (Halsnøy) there are three primary schools (year 1-7) and one secondary school (year 8-10). After that norwegian teens go to what we call Videregående, which is year 11-13. :P I suppose this is a lesson in Norwegian school systems ;) anyways. After year 13, we can either go to a university, or to what we call Folkehøgskule, which is a school you can go to for one year, and it's expensive. You don't get grades at that school, but you get studypoints, and you choose one subject to focus on. Like music, dancing, art, drama etc. It's a more alternative school, where you also live at the school. We have one of those on the island, and there are students from all over Norway attending there. People from my island never go to that school, because the point of those schools are to live somewhere new, which means it would be pointless for us to go to one that was located so near home :P wow, hope you got all that Kini ;) haha.

Back on track: we're going to the pub tonight again, and I think it'll be fun! :) last time we sat in the pub for hours just the two of us, and nothing happened. Then I dragged wifey to the dancefloor (drunk enough not to care who saw), and that's when the fun started. It's amazing how people will come up to you and talk to you even though they don't know you, just because you're dancing. They wouldn't come talk when we were sitting down, but once we got on the dancefloor, it was so easy! :O :D I guess it's because once we're on the dancefloor it kinda shows that we're out there, and it's not as easy going up to someone who's sitting down, coz it might seem we want to be alone :P
We got to know a few people from said school, and when the pub was closing around one thirty, we went to the "afterpary" (nachs -from German nachspiel :P) at this guy's house, who used to be in my class from year 8-10. We got a taxi home around four thirty :P It was such a good night, and so I hope today will be just as fun. I love staying out really late, and I'm always the last who wants to go :P which gets annoying, but whatev.

Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Hk5eVCx1A&feature=related, because to me, that's EXACTLY the way a good party should be ;) and the song's addictive ^^ haha.
Also, the song "Telephone" by Lady Gaga and Beyonce. It's good :)

~Leene~ "When I leave for the night, I ain't coming back." kesha :P xoxx

mandag 25. januar 2010

I won't mind if you take me home, come on take me home

I've been neglecting blogs recently, but now I feel like I'm back. I've been finding back to the old stuff I used to be addicted to a couple of years ago, and I realize I haven't been checking up on things in about a year. Things I used to check everyday. But no more. Even if my interests change, the things I used to find inspirational still help me, and I will not abandon it anymore. :] so, back to "the scene", and japan and everything overly cute. Damn, I feel like making something today... being creative. But I'm not very clever when it comes to creativity, so I doubt myself, and then things never get done. I need a personal pusher I think; someone who forces me to create and spend my time wisely... instead I just lay in bed watching "Glee", "Cougar town" and "Fringe". That's really not helping my creative outlet.

I need to take a course in sewing I think... :P

I'm getting a new phone soon -christmas present from my mom- but it hasn't arrived yet. I'm waiting (I wish I could say patiently), but I just wish it would come soon! I'm so stoked on it, because it's got the sidekick-esque look, and I've wanted a sidekick since I was roughly fifteen years old. Almost nineteen now; still no sidekick. :( it's only because we don't have them in Norway, so buying one in England wouldn't work in Norway. But I will live in London soon, and then... :P then I'll have my sidekick. ^^

I've got art now, and we've made a mannequin dressed in baroque clothes made from paper... I'll post a picture when I get one, it was a lot of work, but we got it done, and I'm kinda proud. ^^ Today we're writing a logg on what we did when we made the mannequin though, so that's not as interesting. In fact, I haven't even started ^^

On another note, I started watching "Glee" last night, and I'm oddly intrigued. Ok, so the characters are overly stupid, and they give in to peer pressure easily, but most of it is funny. A few characters I absolutely dislike, but meh. Isn't that part of everything? You like and dislike things everyday.

Now, the teachers keep yapping, and I can't concentrate or think, so I'm gonna go for now ^^ Feels nice being back.

Song that's stuck in my head today: "I like you so much better when you're naked" by Ida Maria. :P Check it out ^^

~Leene~ "The clever things I should say to you, got stuck somewhere between me and you." xoxx