søndag 27. mars 2011

Ring ding dong

I've been going to bed the same time as other people wake up in the morning ever since I came back "home". :P The first day it was 7am, last night it was 8.30! :O (but only coz the clock's changed!! At least I have sooome excuse.) Its insane, but that's what the deprived do when they finally have internet again -_- ai ai ai.

But honestly, its all Show's fault! I'm laughing my arse off every night, and I can't stop watching! "Nose, nose, chin!" lulwhut? I have no idea :P All I know is that I'm back in the zone, and I wanna LEARN!

I've just finished watching the brilliant movie "The Rebound", which I bought at the airport. Tax free is the most amazing thing ever :P Next on the menu is "Assassin's Blade", "Seven Swords" and "Hero". I guess its obvious what kind of mood I'm in ^^ lol.

And I've got a certain little devil's voice stuck in my head. ("sarang, sarang, sarang" -_- whaaaa.)

If you wanna know what's up, stay awake and talk to me all night ;) <3

You know I still love you.

~Leene~ "Ah bei kun ah" :P Ah, I die so much. xoxx

1 kommentar:

  1. lol the kick ass killin' ppl kinda mood eh? ;)
    -hi 5- good choice :D

    *saraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang malene!* :P

    i love u much much!
