lørdag 26. mars 2011

What can you teach then? I can teach Standard 2! xD

Wow, it really has been a long time since I've even been onto my blog, and its kinda weird seeing it again... Seeing as since last time I blogged, I've moved to England, rented a room in a house, got a job, and am now home in Norway on a nine days vacation... :P so yah, I should probably fill up my nine days with useless blog entries, since there will be none (again) once I get back to my new life. And it really is an entirely different life. I've grown up, and I don't depend on people as much. I've realized that noone can really be there for you at all times, so its better to just get used to doing things on your own. These past months have been so draining, emotionally, and I've really discovered alot about myself, and I've gone through more than I had in a long time. I sort of got thrown into this whole "adulthood" thing, and it was scary, and lonely, but I got through it. I'm on the other side now, and everything has finally calmed down, and I've accepted things. I feel at ease.

Last night I stayed up till 7 am, just being online and chatting. Its been so long since I've been able to be online properly, I just couldn't let it go. It was my mum's 40th birthday party today, and so I had to be social the whole day, and I'm insanely tired now. Its only 1 am, but I think I'll probably fall asleep earlier tonight. Which I suppose is alright, seeing as I've already done the most important things I wanted to do online anyway :P (like putting Jiro and Lee and Danson all over my ipod xD but hey, there's always more to come :P)

I think I'm going to leave it for now, seeing as I am actually falling asleep slightly. I've grown so attached to Kini and Ursi the last month, so its really weird not being able to text them while I'm in Norway... I don't like it, to put it simply. I guess it really is true that you can't have it both ways. Some people say "you can't have your cake, and eat it too" but I've never understood that expression, because clearly you can :P I would know, I've eaten waay too much cake today. I'm so full right now, but being able to eat my mum's food again really is fantastic. I really miss proper dinners, but I don't see myself starting to take responsibility and cook myself dinners anytime soon. I'm simply not that desperate yet, and I'm anyways much too lazy.

So, hoping I'll be able to talk to my lovelies tomorrow, and be online moooore and update myself :P lol.

I still love you, though.

~Leene~ xoxx "That boy is a monster" (guess who) :P

3 kommentarer:

  1. i'm mundo mundo attached to my hostage too! *HUGS* i'm glad that things have gotten better. i'd have no idea about what to do if i had to move to norway and do what you did *HUGS* ur so brave! there are so many things i admire about you, your determination especially :)

    lol jiro takes priority over sleep ;) :P

    haha, we'll be cooking proper dinners! as soon as the kitchen is fixed O_o i'm missing proper dinner too. stuff like...PIZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and all other rubbish that can be put in the oven ;) jokes. but we really do need to bake. spring is coming up and without at least 1 batch of home made cakes it'd feel sad to let the summer go by just like that. especially coz everything is so much more fun when you're here to take part in it with us ^_^

    take care! sorry i wasn't online yesterday. i fell asleep :S. babble to you more soon :D

    ~hm...i wonder who...there are so many boys that are monsters ;) :P~

  2. Haha, that's good to hear ;) awwww, thanx huni <3 *hugs* *embarrassed* ur too sweet! <3

    Haha, Jiro takes priority over a lot indeed ;) But so does Show, Lee and Danson :P and so many others! Wah!

    Yaay, it'll be fun when we can make proper dinners together :) and cakes! Looking forward to that especially! :P lol.

    Aww, at least one of us got sleep then :P me and Ursi stayed up LATE! She came online around 2 (english time) and she was like "I'm only staying a minute". Next thing we know, it's 7 (english time) and I'm like "yeaa... what happened to 'only a minute'? :P That was FIVE hours ago!" xD but hey, you only live once, and I'll sleep when I'm dead, thankyouverymuch ^^ O;)

    I'll give you a hint... LEE HONGKI! :P (hahaha, that's a hint for ya!)
    Love youu much much<3

  3. awh! ur so cute!!! -big hugs- ^^

    -sigh- just too many to choose but u do it so well :P ;)

    me too :D i have a feeling we'll all get really fat but then again chasing after hot guys should sort that out :P especially if we run all the way to taiwan or korea for example... ;)

    lol yeah and when that time comes ur gonna be making up for all the sleep u've deprived urself of! :P

    lol only just a little hint ;)
    love thee muchly
