Happy Monday, and I'm so glad I don't have school, even though the restlessness of having a holiday is stil there.
Saturday was my friend's 18th birthday party, which was funnn. It started at seven, and some people were even drunk by nine! (I WILL NOT name names... *blushes*) Anywho, there was bbq'ing, swimming in her pool (they have a pool!!! :P), and relaxing in her bubblebath. I didn't do any bathing, as I had managed to CUT my KNEE on a box of corn, which had those sharp edges... yeah, this was a little after eight, and everyone was very nice to me :P I think partying together can bring people closer, lol. Anyway, so my friend didn't have ANY band-aids in her house, because apparently her little sister LOVES them (which I understand XD), so my other friend's boyfriend went over and asked the neighbours :] which was very nice of him.
There was lots of music and jumping around followed, and a drinking game ("I have never"?), and by half past two am most everyone had left. My friend's boyfriend J, and his friend M were still there, and in no condition to drive home :P so they stayed the night too. In the end we were five ^^ lol. Anywho, my friend (whose 18) was a little annoyed with some of us, because we stole her bed, even though she clearly told us not to... well, what can you do? :P
It was a good party, but when I came home the day after, I felt so empty... do you ever get that? It's like, you've been to a good party with lots of people, and you've been talking to them and having a good time, and then you come home again, and all of a sudden you're alone, and there's so much silence... (and ok, maybe your head or your stomach hurt a little too, but for different reasons XP) I just hate that feeling. It makes me think that I'm probably one of those people who could become an alcoholic... because it's nicer to not feel the bad feelings... :P we're just spoilt rotten, huh. ;)
Well, I have to go now, because I'm gonna go to my dad's for the rest of the day, I think, since I'm leaving the country on Friday... :)
(The picture is of my wounded knee :P but it looked a hell lot worse when it was pouring with blood... ^^)
~Leene~ "The boy does nothing" (you should listen to that song, by Alesha Dixon :P) xoxx