My holiday has officially begun. Yesterday was the last day of "school", which we ended with a gathering of the whole school, where our teachers had picked out the most embarrassing photos of each of us, and showed it on big screen for everyone to see... oh, how I loved my teacher at that moment. I swear I could've strangled her with my own hair! Gosh, besides, isn't it technically illegal to take pictures of people unless they say it's ok? Well, I never said it was ok, stupid twat.
Anywaaaay, on to more boring topics; I'm so effing bored!!! :P yeah, that's how my holidays usually start off. I guess it's because this isn't a regular weekend where I have to do as much lazing about as I can before Monday comes again, because this weekend will be just like the rest of the week. I don't have any school on Monday, so I'm not even in weekend-mode. :( *single emo tear* whyyy does this always happen?? Why can't I just fool myself to THINK that it's only a normal weekend? Bah. I can't wait to go to London, I need to do me some serious shopping, and just being incredibly fucking busy all the time. I love being busy.
Well, I'm gonna go now, before I fall asleep and crush poor Josefine (my laptop <3). See y'all tomorrow, my little kitties. ^^
~Leene~ "I just wanna feel the day today." xoxx
lol, strangling with hair is something i would love to see! :D
SvarSlettlol it is illegal, mr lorrimer went mad last year when someone took a pic of ursala in class, even though ursi didn't mind coz someone else's face was in the pic or something stupid like that...
lol ur so lucky! i officially go on holiday the day u leave london *cries*
lol that single emo tear is so cute *pat pat*...*gives u cola bottles*
I can't wait until u come to london either :D
awh, nitey nite mimi, nite josefine!