Tomorrow I'm going to the hairdressers at NINE AM.!! ... Who does that? :P It's just because we have the day off, and I need to go to my dad's before two o'clock. I still haven't packed, and it's a super-long weekend, as we have both tomorrow and Monday off... Aaaand I'm going to Bergen with my dad from Sunday to Monday, watching a football game... Brann <3 :P yeah, I can do sporty... when I feel like it. Anyway, tomorrow I'm doing glam, as I always feel really cool and famous when I have to wake up early. Yeah, I realize it makes no sense and I'm weird. So sue me. Lol.
Also, it's my friend's 18th birthday next weekend, and she's celebrating it the weekend after. I'm hoping I'll be here for that, then come to England maybe around the 30th of June, till the 10th of July. I can't wait to be back in London. The other day I actually felt like I was going home... until I realized "this is home". Which was kind of depressing, but oh well :P
I should really go to sleep now, but I just wanted to pop in here and let'ya know I might be M.I.A until Tuesday... :S but hopefully I'll shop alot so I have something to tell ;) haha.
Listening to Nicole Richie's "Dandelion" atm, it's so cute. Also, Pussycat Dolls are back in my ipod... :P I'm into the old music these days, like the stuff I listened to TWO SUMMERS AGO... like "Buttons", or even farther back, like "Don't cha"... o_O It's because I'm watching blonde movies and shows, like Girls next door these days. I love Hef; so cute ^^ ;)
"He's a dandelion,
Up on a cliff above the sea
He's not exactly everything I thought that he might be
He's a dandelion
He looks like everything I need
I thought he was a flower
But I found out he's a weed"
One picture of me in the "Sexy Nurse Gro" hat that we made during school one day, for our life-size (well, model's life-size, not normal people =P) mannequin... that we used to draw, but now we just have her, and I named her Gro. ^^ We love her very much. Picture of her too. That was the most constructive thing we did that day (make hair, hat and drape the dress around Gro, we cut her hair out of yellow paper), seriously. Which should be sad :P but it's not anymore, because it's in the past ^^ lol. Simple as that.
~Leene~ "I don't think you can handle this." xoxx
lol loving the nurse i mean Gro...she's hot ;) :P lol :D.
SvarSlettHave fun on ur long weekend my super glam gaga twinzie ^_^
i can't wait until u come back to london tho i hope i haven't scared u and put u off the idea :S sorry again
Take care
:P thanx, I will. And try to take photos, lol.
SvarSlettI can't wait either!! and there's no need to appologize :P I wasn't scared, lol. Just surprised and amised a bit.
Miss u toooooooO!!
*amused :P
SvarSlettlol, haha :) i really don't know what was wrong with me :S i reckon i overdid it a bit :S