Summer's here, and every summer I have some things that I like more than others. :P And it might just be the idea of some things, but I'm going to make a list anyway. Last year it was Black & White summer for me, with checkers everywhere, and black hair, the works. This year... well, we'll see.
I'd say Tv-wise, it's two shows; The Girls Next Door, and Bones. Obviously :P
Books: I'd say I really need to get through New Moon... lol.
Hair: Beehive, or Bombshell. ^^ both unaccomplishable (is that a word?) for me.
Clothes: short dresses, white t-shirts, and short-shorts. Like Daisy Duke's.
Shoes: black ones or red ones. Always red ones, coz it's so fairy-taley. So Wizard of Oz. So magic-land. Yeah, I just love red shoes. ^^
Jewellery: lots of it. Lots of bracelets and rings, but maybe not as many necklaces as usual... I dunno. We'll see. :P
Music: PANIC AT THE DISCO, A FEVER YOU CAN'T SWEAT OUT <3 ok, so this CD is always my summer music, but seriously. At least I listen to them once a year.
Drink: Water... lots of water. Also smoothie <3 made out of strawberries and youghurt, or one with: strawberries, litchi (dunno what that is, but it sounds cute, and is goood. :P), rasberries and apples. Its very good :] the only smoothies I've liked so far, lol. Also Red Bull.
Ice-cream: always chocolate, but for England -since they have it- blue ice-cream. Tastes like plastic, but such a cool colour :P
Brand: Playboy ^^ :P
Colours: I think I'd say pink, and old-pink, peach... Kinda old-fashioned beige colours. Lol, I don't even know myself what I'm saying.
I want to write more, but I can't think of any other things that are my favourites... any ideas to what I should favorize next? A favourite store maybe? Or sunglasses... I don't know. Lol. This was my beginner's-list. I can always add to it :P
~Leene~ "You don't have to speak for me to believe you..." xoxx
ooo, tell me ur fav place to go ^^
SvarSlettlol blue ice cream sounds cool! i never had that either *hangs head* man i'm a sheltered child! :P
YAY for red shoes, expecially sparkly red ones:D
that's such a cute pic too! awh *pinches ur cheeks* how sweet:D
SvarSlettHaha, leicester square XD because of all the japanese stuff.
SvarSlettIt's not good... lol, it tastes like plastic XD does that sound good? :P yea, ur soo sheltered.. U even LIVE there! u could buy everything, lol. We don't have crazy shit like that in Norway :(
thanx :P that was last summer ^^
cool :) i remember the first time i went. it actually wasn't that long ago. this year at some point. ursala went and then dragged me there too later - we got lost! lol.
SvarSlettlol, it does sound good...kinda. plastic is tasty depending on what plastic it is. for example like when u buy a new toy and it smells of plastic, i'd call that tasty:D lol that's why u should come to england...forever lol *pwetty please* and at least u get to have a good excuse to come ^^ not that u need one!
:) awh!
Its fun to get lost tho, lol. U find things out for urself that way ^^
SvarSlett... umm, ur weird ;) I'm not personally a fan of plastic, but ok... I guess we can work with that XD lol.
I would come for longer if I could, u know that :) just wait till I find my rich husband, then I'll be over alot ^^
lol true ^_^
SvarSlettheheh! i can't wait :D lol *looks at map that shows u rich husbands* i hear there's quite a few in switzerland these days...:)