Also, I wish I had Amy Winehouse's hair... ^^ I know the woman's a mess, but hey; I don't like them perfect people anyway :P and I always liked her hair. It's so big, and wild, and "last-night"-ish... lol. Anyway, my hair is too short to do anything pretty with, and I wish I had a hair-stylist. But then again, who wouldn't want that? ^^ My summer-hair would definitely be the Beehive. <3
Now I have to run, I'm late for a bbq that I should have been getting ready for, but instead I was here, blogging for you guys. ^^ Love me. Anyway, I leave you with two summer-photos, and don't be afraid, coz I don't even think I'm holding that shotgun right. :P
~Leene~ "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole." xoxx
lol, cool gun! :D
SvarSlettI wanna be ur hair stylist. please o pwetty please! you have lovely hair! though if u want, ursi and i can try to make it bee-hive style :) i think ursala has a way of making it look kinda like that...
*HUGS* have fuuuuuuuuun at ur bbq
Ta ta for now :D
I know, its my friend's dad's... :P lol.
SvarSlettAnd yesss, of course I want u guys to fix my hair :] It can never be worse than that time in year 8 when my friends put so much hair spray in my hair that we couldn't even do anything with it! It was just a sticky mess of unmanagable hair XD hahaha.
Thanx love, it was alright tho... I always close up at some point during family gatherings, because I just don't feel like I can reach anyone, u know? ... :P
Love yoooooouuu tooooooooo *hugs back*
lol, i was wondering where u got it from :D now it all makes sense lol.
SvarSlettlol ha ha, i promise u i won't do that *hand on heart* and if i do u can do it to me so that i can share the embarassment *halo* lol JOKING :D :P
hm *HUGS* who are u closest to in ur family? i think i am closest to my grandpa (not including ursala)
love u moreeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D *huggieS*
Haha, obviously. :P
SvarSlettThanks :P now I feel safe ;) ... kinda. lol.
My little sister I think. And my aunt and mom. I've always shared alot with my mom, but I've always had a friend-relationship with my sister, whose six years younger than me. She lives with my dad, so I'd always hang with her everytime I went to see him. :) Also my aunt (mother's sister) is only ten years older than me (my mom is twenty years older, lol.) so we've had a sister-relationship too.
Me, my mom, aunt and grandmother always used to go on girl-day-trips for shopping every summer. Tho it's been years now.
love yooou moooooost (u knew I was gonna say it ;) :P) *hugsss*
coz i mean u wouldn't just have one lying around ur house now would u? ;) :P
SvarSlettlol :D u can put chewing gum in mine if i do.
that sounds nice *HUGS* i don't really get on with any of the girls in my family.
u can come on an adopted uk family shopping trip with me, ursi and mum ^^
lol i did but u know that i am the one who loves u moooooooooooooooooooooooosiest-ist. *huggums*
:P tee hee hee:D