The cutest movie of the year must be "Confessions of a shopaholic". I feel so much happier after watching it <3 I can't wait to become a crazy grown-up who does whatever whenever.
Speaking of Shopaholic, I guess most of my friends would say I am one... or just a person who feels like every piece of clothing has a soul, and therefore it would be rude and evil to throw them away, no matter how ugly they seem to be. I'm like that. Even when people give me clothes for x-mas, and I don't like them, I'll tell myself "I'll like them soon" (because I normally do =P) and I'll keep them. Just because I'd feel mean to exhange them. Because someone chose those clothes for me, and -even though that person clearly has no sense of my style- I feel like I should take a second look, as if that jumper were a person.
On that note, I feel maybe it's time to reveal my closet to y'all... o_O Now, some (most actually) people say I have a lot of clothes, but I just don't see it.. do you?
What can I say? I'm a girl ^^

Now I'm going to read The undomestic Goddess... I guess that's me ^^ it's by the author of Shopaholic books, and since I currently don't have that series yet, I'll settle for this :P
So, go crazy and shop, then we'll go to Shopaholics anonymous together later ^^ yeah? :P
~Leene "I'ma shop for labels while them ladies lay and wait for love." xoxx
SvarSlett0_0 i LOVE ur closet, it's like a wonderland all on its own!
lol undomestic goddess i can be ur domestic goddess willing to cook and clean so that those pretty manicured hands can stay prestine lol :P
lol i did actually go a little crazy and shop. i bought a couple of dresses the other day. lol my mum was like "do u have a temperature or something?! since when have u ever worn a dress willingly?!"
but seeing as we're going to shopaholics anonymous, i must start buying these things, ne?
:) I love it too! :P whoever said I had too much, neh ;)
SvarSlettand I'm so glad u willingly want to do my housework for me :P that works out perfectly for everyone ^^ (me).
Aw, I'm proud of you! Everyone should have a dress during summer! :D
lol i have no idea who could ever say that!:D
SvarSlettlol, ha ha! but i'm not very good at cooking *hides the burnt food that was dinner and picks up phone and take away menu*
^_^ thankoo:D yeah, i don't think i've worn one since i was 9 or something :P
By the way, top shop have alice in wonderland style dresses u might like:
they do this in blue, red, pink and purple :)