Today I woke up just before elleven, and have already eaten breakfast now. I'm pretty amazed, lol. Specially since I didn't go to sleep until late last night, due to being very awake and a bit freaked and very warm. :P
I think I'm gonna head down to my grandparents today... and then my friend is also coming back from a festival tonight, so I need to hear all the dirt XP
It's now only a week till I go back to beautiful England, and I CAN'T WAIT! :D Aaah, the shops must have missed me... :P (the people too, but I'm still in contact with them, lol).
So, maybe it's time to make a shopping list then? Okay, I need: shoes, mangas, tv shows, claire's goods :P, sunglasses, tutus, japanese sweets, new look clothes... well, these are the basics, but you know I'm just gonna fill my suitcase with everything. And I really want a new fur-coat :P but it's summer, so I don't know if I'll find it... haha.
(Check out my tattoo... :P homemade. ^^)
~Leene~ "I'm bad, I'm bad... :P" xoxx
lol i can help u with all that :D i have a list too or i did...stuff is sooooooooo expensive over here! >_< but, meh. i don't care :P
SvarSlettloving the tattoo by the way:D...has it left any nice face prints? :P lol
Pssssh *snorts* stuff is NOT expensive over there!! Wah, u'd die in Norway then... o_O it's way more expensive here, which is why I always go crazy in England. English people always think we're weird because when we go out to eat we're like "everything is so cheap, wooww" and go insane with buying stuff XD hahaha, quite funny really.
SvarSlettthankyooo, and no it hasn't ;) it's almost faded now :( :P
lol. we'll both be really bad in japan then, huh? ;) imagine all that hello kitty stuff at affordable prices :D *drools*
SvarSlett^^ lol, that's good :D it was pretty so it's a shame it's faded tho.
yes, I can't wait ;) ;)
SvarSlettthanx :P but I think Burlesque means something kinda dirty, so I'm a little glad too... XD
^_^ ...there is thing. O_o the jabs u have to get to go...ah, i'll just forget them! *still really scared of needles, will cry if u come close enough holding one*
SvarSlettlol! mum and i both got a cardi we really like and it's got that written on the back. i didn't even realise! nor did mum for that matter. dad saw it and asked what it meant so both of us ran upstairs and hid them in our cupboards. lol i have no idea what i'm gonna do with mine :S