So, here's the story: I was happily watching Nana anime, and falling more and more in love with all the characters by the minute. Nana/Hachi and Nobu were clearly in love, and when she finally dumped that bastard-Takumi and confessed her love for Nobu, I was SO FUCKING HAPPY YOU WON'T EVEN BELIEVE IT! It was like I had found the meaning of life!! ... ok, maybe not, but it was SO POWERFUL (Yasawa Ai, you fucking genius moron...)
Ok, so then I was happy for a couple of episodes, until Hachi suddenly discovers that she's pregnant! And that idiot Nobu had used protection all the damn time, so the kid would most likely be bastard-Takumi's... this is my face: -_______- And Takumi decided he wants Hachi for himself, and they're now getting married!! ... stupid stupid shit!
And Nana Osaki and Nobu are acting like spoiled kids! It's as if Hachi was their toy, but Takumi stole their toy, and now their pride is making them be all "I don't want her anymore"... BAKAAAAAA!!! And you think SHE is the bad guy!?!? Nana/Hachi is the victim... :'( I hate the fact that I get so emotional when I watch things.
But the turn of this show was seriously giving me stomach-ache (I'm thinking a fucking Ulcer...), and all I could do was skip to the couple of last episodes (I'm currently on 36/47...) just to see if things would work out... They don't. Hachi has a kid, and Nana Osaki runs away, Nobu and Hachi still love each-other, and Takumi (the dirtbag) is cheating on Hachi, his wife. Why do I put myself through these things?
I learned a long time ago that I don't have the kinda heart to watch sad movies. I can feel everything that goes on there, and it's too painful. If I had known this would happen in this anime, I wouldn't have watched it. That's why I seem childish; because I's rather watch shows with a lot of humour, as opposed to ones with reality in them.
Well, I'm gonna go now, so this blog isn't all ruined... more anyway.

I'll leave you with the cutest little cat in the world, and say that I want Shin-chan to be my teddy-toy! :D what could be better than a mature 15-year old prostitute-rebel boy? ^^

~Leene~ "If you would be my garage band king, I would be your punk rock princess." xoxx
SvarSlett*HUGS* it's okie to get emotional :) i'll check msn now and see if ur online ^^
Isn't he though :D
SvarSlett*hugs back* thanx, I'm counting on you :]
*nodding* he indeedie-ded is! :P
SvarSlett*YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY* for once i was actually online, YEAH BABY!!! :D