Sooo, I'm sitting in school right now, thinking about all the things I wanna do... and why is it that Japan seems the cutest place in the world? Is it just because it's far-away, exotic and different, or is it more? Everything just seems purer over there, more fairy-tale-y... is it wrong to not want to live in the "real" world? :P
We should go to Japan and try out as Geisha's... we probably won't succeed, but then we'll go to "Baby, the stars shine bright" and become lolita instead. Its as if everything is allowed, but in a good way.

Imagine how awesome it would be to be able to wear these clothes, and not feel like a freak.

That's just a bit of wonderland for you.
~Leene~ "There's no place else I could be but here in your arms." xoxx
i'm liking the taste of 'wonderland' that u gave me ^_^
SvarSlettur pics are so cute! (of u)
i suppose ppl in japan think the same way about us - that i'd be cool to be here coz u can get away with doing whatever bt i suppose no where in reality is THAT free.
Heheh, glad you did :) R u online now??? :P Coz u should come on msn, lol. I'm at school, bored. ^^ Tasukete!! :P
SvarSlettI know... but it'd still be nice to go there ^^
lol, gomen! i was online, but i didn't see ur space ship there :(.So lonely here all by myself lol.
SvarSlett^____________________^ it'd be cool if we went together. though it'd be even nicer if i got to go to uni with u to do japanese. it's prolly just a random idea, but i'd like it if that wish actually came tru...
:O that would be so cool, yea... but I'm not planning on going to uni... ^^ I wanna be done with school *rebel-wannabe* ^^
SvarSlettBut if I ever did, it's be to study japanese with u *hugs* :]
SvarSlettlol i do too, but i think if i do a test to see how good my japanese is there then i can use that as proof that i'm actually alright at it :)
SvarSlettlol i can so picture u with a motor bike and head to toe in black leather :P lol such a cute rebel! :D
...do you get this thing where u have to type out letters before u can publish a comment on my profile???