torsdag 25. juni 2009

Phaalangeees.... Dancing phalangeeess... :P

Maybe this is just good. The whole blog thing I mean. If everyone I knew read it, I wonder if it would change anything... I wonder alot. I wonder if I'm crazy, if it even matters, if it's image or just confusion. Well, that's enough wondering for one day.

I sit on the computer for most of my time now that there's holidays. And I see people writing numerous blogs a day, and I comment along the way, but I don't write anything... wow, that's laziness. It's just this thing I have... I can't post a blog without having a picture to go with it... and most of the time, I don't. Gaaah, I need to get over this "fear" of mine. It's like, I don't trust that written things alone can be interesting to other people. Even though they're plenty enough for me. So I see myself completely differently than I see anybody else I know... I guess that's normal.

Anyway, I'm feeling very warm today, and drained, and that's probably because I slept till past one, and my room heats up like a fucking sauna. My parents have dinner guests upstairs atm, but I don't feel up for socialising. Basically I've been in my little "den" all day. My mom came down with dinner for me (she knows how I feel ^^) but that was a couple hours ago, and now I would really like an ice-cream -which I know we have- but I don't want anyone to see me with the way I feel today... How's that for vanity? But I don't mind, I love being vain. ^^ And that was probably stupidity. I don't know. I love analysing things too, but my sense of observation is either very simplistic or very complex, because my mind puts things together that other people think are completely unreasonable, and negative.

And now I feel fine that I've given another little insight into the mind of moi, so I'm gonna go watch the last episode of Bones. I think Gorgonzola or Goobagon or whoever is gonna be seen, and it slightly creeps me, but is also a bit interesting.

And behold; I haven't posted a single picture. Wow, this is not gonna take.

Ciao loves.

~Leene~ "I'm not philistine, I'm Catholic." <3 xoxx

10 kommentarer:

  1. lol i like ur blogs! with or without pics. they are the most interesting-est thing eeeeeeeeeeeever to me ^^

    *hugs* that's not vanity that's fair enough ^^. u know if u ever felt like that while u were here u can always have a nap in my room or whatever and i'd wake u up later. it might sound strange but i guess in our family we're all really ill all the time so it doesn't seem strange to me if u would want to. plus i'd bring u all the ice cream u wanted :). mi casa est tu casa (literally, i want u to be able to feel like u can act however u want to) lol i so spelt that wrong too :S darn, after all those spanish lessons i still haven't learnt anything lol.

    take care master lenne ^^ i hope u get ur ice cream soooooooooooooooooon!!!

  2. soz, it might seem like all i can talk about is u coming bak but it's the best thing that's ever happened ^^

  3. Thank yoooou :D I shall blog some more before I go to sleep again then ;)

    *hugs back* that's so sweet of u! :] tho when I'm with u I'll probably have too much fun to want to sleep ;) I just get bored at home very easily, so I tend to sleep the hours away ^^ lol.

    I think it's su casa? lol.

    Take care my pet ;) I have just eaten it, lol.

  4. :P that's ok. It's mostly what I talk about too, lol. It's the best thing for me atleast :)


    lol are phalengeeeeeeeees from star trecK?

  6. :P no, from Bones ^^ it's the best show! <3

  7. lol it sounded like a ferengie kinda which was in some random episode that i wasn't really watching lol :P :S

  8. never seen star treck, lol. :P

  9. I've seen star wars tho, because Hayden Christensen = <3 ;)

  10. lol, now it all becomes clear :P ;)

    i guess there's no motivation for watching star trec like that... :)
