I finally found it, the thing I didn't know existed, but I kept being fascinated by; it's guro-loli <3 XP "The concept of Guro Lolita is mainly to take on the appearance of a broken doll." I. love. it. :] Google it, lol. As Becky Bloomwood says in 'Confessions of a shopaholic'; "yes, I googled." XD
~Leene~ "You should be killed by an army of little girls..." xoxx
lol should i be killed by an army of little girls? that sounds scary!
SvarSletti really do have to take u to an anime convention in the excel centre, there are so many lolita mags - u'd love it! but...they are kinda expensive, about £26 each depending on which ones u get and how recent the issue is. i think there is another one in june at some point coz we just missed one bt i'm not sure. the dates on the website aren't being updated properly. but, i'll let u know if there is:D we can go hopefully if ur still here when it's on :)