Soooo... the biggest news of this week must be; I dyed my hair... brown :O yeah, I'm weird. After years of going from blonde to black, always claiming "brown is an awful hair-colour on me, I looked awful, never doing it again, no way, it's so not me, it's so plain, it's so boring, it's for "smart-people", people who never change", I go ahead and pull something like this... it's no surprise really, I'm always contradicting myself, and doing the complete opposite of what people are expecting of me, because I like shocking people, and I'm a child like that ^^ It's one of my bad qualities I guess :P
Anyway, today has been a lazy day, with me just sitting on the couch watching Disney Channel (the Emperor's new school, which I adore <3) and eating and blogging... lol. Tomorrow though, we leave for Bergen at nine in the morning... which means, AGAIN, I have to wake up early on a day off. Blah.
My friend has recently developed an obsession with the Jonas Brothers... which is horrifying! :S she talks about them constantly, and I don't know what it is, but I don't see them as musicians, I see them as Disney stars... Hmm. Whatever. My favourite Disney Star is Jason Dolley, who plays Newt in "Cory in the House"... I can't get enough, lol. He's my new obsession. Lol, how does it feel to be an obsession, Jason?! XD I can't wait to see "Hatching Pete"... ^^
I realize there are a lot of pics of me in this blog, but it's coz of my new hair :P so deal, yeah?
So, I'm off to watch "Cory in the House" full seasons on Surfthechannel with my sister now (she has no idea yet, poor girl... ^^) Feeding my obsession to the fullest, that's the only known cure I've found. If I work through it, it'll leave quickly ^^ If I starve it, I'll be like a deprived whore in the end... just begging for it :S and that's not a nice sight. ^^ Ciao my loves!
~Leene~ "I was a dancer all along." xoxx
u look stunning my deary. i likes that nu colour on you! and u r smart anyways so brown would suit u :D it couldn't ever be called plain if it was on your head coz ur so not plain!
SvarSletthave fun tomorrow :D
:P but I don't want that to be the reason people hang with me. I'd rather be dumb really, than think all the time, lol. ^^ It's coz I'm weird, and stubborn, and to me smart is a bad thing. But that's just me, lol. So u just do ur best ;)
SvarSlett:P... I was trying to be plain coz I didn't like myself the way I was, and I thought; maybe I'm just supposed to be plain... ^^ merh. whatever.
Thanx love :)
lol :D i'm gonna need a lot of luck before i get 'smart!' lol i can see what u mean about wanting to be dumb than have to think all the time, but u reali are the cleverest person i know coz u know more about life - that's something no one can learn from a textbook, you should get an achiever's award frm skl lol :D
SvarSlettMIMI! ur lovely whatever way u r *HUGS* what do u mean by u didn't like urself the way u were?
awww, don't say that! I admire u guys 'cause you work so hard in England... in Norway we slack off more, so I'm spoiled, and not used to having to do stuff for myself.
SvarSlettand thanx, u know exactly how to cheer me up :) *hugs* ur the best!!
I get bored of myself really quickly (sounds weird saying it out loud, lol), so I change my appearance alot. I guess I haven't found myself, but there just seems to be no time for that.
lol, i wouldn't say that about u! ur so not spolied!
SvarSlett^_^ awh, shuckz *blush* ur so sweet ^^
i keep saying to myself that i'll make time after i leave school to find myself but it always seems so long away so i try to do it now bt it really is taking on too much i think. for us at this age we need time to just sit and think and to do the random things we've always wanted...or do the short cut and answer every single quiz on quizilla lol ;)
Saying it out loud doesn't sound that weird. has it made u feel a little better saying it? ^^