torsdag 25. juni 2009

Baby you'll never be good for me...

So I've been a good little blogger today, neh? :P anyway, it's around half past one am now, so I should go to bed... but I just wanted one last post. ^^ (I guess it's coz of the TWO picture-less blogs earlier, that I feel I need to do this... XP):

A few pictures I think are cute.
1. The lonely vampire girl who wants somone to love. Aww <3 and she kind of looks like a mermaid, so it's doubble goods. ^^
2. What I want to look like... lol, at least I'd love to have that doll. I love dolls :D
3. Such a pretty picture of Marilyn!

~Leene~ "It's cos people can't change it that they call it fate, you know?" xoxx

5 kommentarer:

  1. lol u have been a very good blogge! i'm most impressed *pat pat*

    lol she does actually. plus she has pretty red hair too which is cool :)

    lol u'd look really sweet like that:D ursala tried but it went really badly wrong. you should ask her about it sometime :P *remembers how she likes to blank out that part of her life*...mwha ha ha!

    ^^ indeed. there's a lot of marilyn stuff in the shops now a days too.


  2. Thanks *feels proud* :P

    Yeah, I want to try sometime, but I think I'm allergic to bleach, and u need to bleach ur hair before dying it a bright colour :( too painful.

    Yeah, I know lol. I like Twiggy better tho :P

    Kini love!! *hugs back*

  3. lol :D

    not necessarily...ur hair right now is lighter than it was before, that means it might work a bit :D

    lol :D

    awh shuckz *goes red*/...LEENE LOVE! xoxoxoxoxox *huggies*

  4. yeah, but that's dye, and not bleach. I've gone blonde before and it hurt like hell, and gave me lots of blisters on my head :( baaaaddd. I don't even know why. I'm not normaaaal :'(


  5. AWWWWWWWWWWWWH *HUGS* that sounds horrible :S. bleach is pretty powerful stuff tho *pats head gently*

    ps it's more fun not being normal, ne?

