mandag 8. juni 2009

I fall in love with ideas, not people.

I fall in love with ideas, not people. I've never been in love with a person, but I've been in love with hundreds of ideas of people. I'll see someone cute, and think how nice it would be to be with them, but all the while I'm fully aware that I'm creating myself a picture of how I'm thinking that person oughta be - it's not fact or reality (as far as I know). I suppose it's a sort of game, for girls who haven't found anyone special yet... whatever, I'm addicted to said game.

This is probably a weird thing to be thinking after watching "Girls next door"... :P but hey, I'd live there.

The thing is, with me, you get everything. I'm a bit of most things, and I don't think I'm predictable that way. Maybe my moods can be foreseen, but my personality can't. It's split probably... unfortunate, or good maybe? It's just that you can't choose the one you like best; they all come in random orders, at random times. It's sort of a "right person at the right time" deal... Except it's only one person, multiple times. ... this is confusing, no?

"I cannot help myself, I'm just doing what I do,
Got my heart set, do anything that I want so thank you,
I like it and I do what I like,
And if do what I like, then you'll like it."

~Leene~ "I'm an addict for dramatics, I confuse the two for love." xoxx

4 kommentarer:

  1. lol confusing or not, i know that game quite well too :)

    Isn't it better to be a split person? Life is boring if it's just same old same old all the time, right? whoever u fall for can't say that they'll be bored :)

  2. plus those pics of u are really KAWAII!

  3. :P I think so, yeah... but it's not so nice when u don't even understand yourself... how can u then expect others to understand? :(

    Nah, they can't. But I need someone whose strong enough to handle all of it :P XD

    Awww, thank you honey <3

  4. *HUGS* one day you'll meet someone who does understand u better than u understand urself :) then u'll think :0 I've found the one! :)

    plus we're still young, you've got tons of time to understand more about urself, friends are there to help u do that. =]

    lol XD

    ^_^ no worries, mimi love!
